11th Hour Miracle Prayer Points

11th Hour Miracle Prayer Points

There are times in life when we feel like we are running out of time, whether it’s about achieving a goal, receiving an important answer to prayer, or experiencing a breakthrough. These moments are often referred to as “11th hour” situations, where it seems all hope is lost. However, our faith teaches us that God’s timing is perfect, and He can bring a miracle even in the last minute. Below are powerful 11th hour miracle prayer points that can help you connect with God for that timely breakthrough.

What is the Eleventh Hour Miracle?

The concept of the “eleventh hour” comes from Matthew 20:1-16, where workers were hired at the last minute of the day yet received the same wages as those hired early in the day. This is symbolic of how God can intervene and bless us, even when it seems like it’s too late. The 11th hour miracle prayer points are designed to seek God’s intervention in situations that seem impossible.

What is the Prayer of the Eleventh Hour?

The prayer of the eleventh hour is a heartfelt cry to God for intervention when time seems to be running out. It acknowledges God’s sovereignty and timing while expressing faith in His ability to deliver a last-minute miracle. Here’s an example of such a prayer:

Eleventh Hour Prayer:

  • Lord Jesus, I come before You in this critical hour of my life. I believe that You are the God of miracles and that You can turn things around for me, even when it seems too late. I surrender every difficult situation in my life to You and ask for Your intervention. Just as You brought Lazarus back to life after four days, I trust You to bring life and victory to my circumstances. In this 11th hour, Lord, show Your power and let Your name be glorified in my life, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

11th Hour Miracle Prayer Points

1. Prayer for Divine Intervention at the Last Moment

Heavenly Father, You are the God who makes a way where there seems to be no way. I call upon You for divine intervention in this 11th hour. Lord, step into my situation and turn things around for my good, in Jesus’ name.

2. Prayer for Urgent Financial Breakthrough

Lord, I bring my financial needs before You in this critical moment. Provide the resources I need and deliver me from every financial crisis. Let there be an 11th hour miracle in my finances, in Jesus’ name.

3. Prayer for Healing at the Last Minute

Lord, I ask for Your healing power to touch my body right now. Even at this 11th hour, I trust You to heal me completely and restore my health, in Jesus’ name.

4. Prayer for Marital Restoration

“Father, I present my marriage before You, believing for a last-minute miracle. Heal the wounds, bring peace, and restore love in my marriage at this 11th hour, in the mighty name of Jesus.”

5. Prayer for Job Opportunities

God of the 11th hour, I am trusting You for a miracle job. Open doors of employment for me and let this be my moment of divine opportunity, in Jesus’ name.

6. Prayer for Academic Success

Lord, I trust You for an 11th hour miracle in my studies. Grant me wisdom and understanding, and let me excel in my academics, even when the odds are against me, in Jesus’ name.

7. Prayer for Breakthrough in Delayed Projects

Father, I ask for Your intervention in every project that has been delayed or obstructed. Let there be a supernatural turnaround, and let the completion come swiftly in this 11th hour, in Jesus’ name.

8. Prayer for Peace in Troubled Relationships

Lord, I ask for Your peace in every troubled relationship in my life. Even at this late hour, I believe You can mend what is broken and restore unity, in Jesus’ name.

9. Prayer for Supernatural Favor

Father, I ask for supernatural favor in every area of my life. Let doors of opportunity open for me even in this 11th hour. Let Your favor surround me as a shield, in Jesus’ name.

10. Prayer for Breakthrough in Legal Matters

Lord, I commit my legal challenges to You. Step into this 11th hour situation and grant me victory in every legal battle, in Jesus’ name.

11. Prayer for Deliverance from Crisis

Father, deliver me from every crisis I am facing. I trust You for an 11th hour miracle that will bring me out of every difficult situation, in Jesus’ name.

How to Activate the 11th Hour Miracle?

1. Strong Faith and Trust in God

The first key to activating an 11th hour miracle is having unwavering faith. God rewards those who trust in His timing, even when it seems too late. Hebrews 11:6 tells us, “And without faith it is impossible to please God.”

2. Persistent Prayer

Don’t give up on your prayers. Persistent and fervent prayer can activate a breakthrough, even when it feels like time is running out. James 5:16 says, “The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.”

3. Praise and Worship

Worship can open the doors for an 11th hour miracle. When Paul and Silas prayed and sang hymns in prison, God intervened at the last minute and freed them (Acts 16:25-26). Your praise can trigger a supernatural release.

4. Aligning Your Actions with God’s Will

Ensure that your actions align with God’s will. Surrendering your plans and timing to God allows Him to work in His perfect time, which may be the 11th hour for you.

5. Speaking God’s Promises

Activate your miracle by declaring God’s promises over your life. Scriptures such as Philippians 4:19, “And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus,” are powerful affirmations.


In moments of desperation, when time seems to be slipping away, don’t lose hope. The 11th hour miracle prayer points listed above can serve as a powerful tool in seeking God’s timely intervention. Remember, God is never too late; His timing is perfect, and He specializes in making the impossible possible. Keep the faith, stay in prayer, and trust that your 11th hour miracle is on the way.

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