30 Warfare Prayers for Marriage Protection Against Evil

prayers for marriage

Marriage is a covenant under God, but the enemy seeks to destroy what God has ordained. These 30 warfare prayers are designed to protect your marriage from spiritual attacks, break any evil strongholds, and ensure that your union stands firm against all forms of wickedness. Stand firm in faith and declare these prayers over your marriage.

What Bible Verse to Pray for Marriage?

One of the strongest Bible verses to pray for marriage protection is:

  • “No weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you.” — Isaiah 54:17 (NIV)

This verse is a powerful reminder that God’s protection over your marriage is sure, and no attack, no matter how intense, will succeed.

What is the Powerful Prayer for Marriage?

A powerful prayer for marriage calls upon God’s authority to protect and strengthen the union. Here’s a strong declaration:

  • In the name of Jesus, I declare that my marriage is covered under the blood of the Lamb. Every evil force, curse, or assignment against our relationship is destroyed! We stand in unity, bound by the love of Christ, and declare that no power of darkness can come against us. Lord, be our shield and fortress, and let Your blessings overflow in our marriage. Amen!

What Psalm is the Prayer for Marriage?

Psalm 91 is an excellent psalm to pray for protection over your marriage. It speaks of God’s defense, refuge, and deliverance from evil.

  • “He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” — Psalm 91:1 (NKJV)

Prayers for Marriage Protection Against Evil

  1. Prayer to Destroy Every Plan of the Enemy

In the mighty name of Jesus, I come against every plot, scheme, and plan of the enemy set against my marriage. I cancel every evil assignment and declare that no weapon formed against us shall prosper!

  1. Prayer for Spiritual Covering Over My Marriage

Heavenly Father, cover my marriage with the blood of Jesus. Let every evil force or spiritual attack sent against our union be consumed by Your holy fire! I declare divine protection over us now!

  1. Prayer Against Spirit of Division

By the authority of Christ, I rebuke and cast out every spirit of division, separation, and divorce! I bind every force that seeks to create discord, and I release unity, peace, and love into my marriage in Jesus’ name!

  1. Prayer for Deliverance from Ancestral Curses

In the name of Jesus, I break every generational curse that may be affecting my marriage. Every inherited pattern of conflict, failure, or disunity is destroyed by the blood of Jesus! Our marriage will not suffer from the sins of the past!

  1. Prayer for Supernatural Strength

Lord, strengthen my spouse and me in the spiritual battle for our marriage. Give us the endurance and faith to stand firm against every evil attack. We declare that we are more than conquerors through Christ!

  1. Prayer to Break Soul Ties

In the name of Jesus, I sever every ungodly soul tie that seeks to infiltrate my marriage. I declare that my spouse and I are bound only to each other under God’s holy covenant, and no past relationship or spiritual bondage will have any hold over us!

  1. Prayer Against Spiritual Spouses

I rebuke and cast out every spirit of a spiritual spouse trying to interfere in my marriage. I reject every evil influence that seeks to cause infidelity or strife. In the name of Jesus, every spirit spouse is bound and sent to the abyss!

  1. Prayer for the Fire of God to Surround Our Home

Lord, let Your consuming fire surround our home and marriage. Burn up any evil presence, spirit, or entity that attempts to attack or invade our household. We declare that our home is a sanctuary of peace and holiness!

  1. Prayer to Cast Out Fear and Anxiety

In Jesus’ name, I cast out every spirit of fear, doubt, and anxiety that seeks to weaken our marriage. We declare that perfect love casts out fear, and we stand firm in the love and peace of God!

  1. Prayer Against Evil Manipulation

Father, expose and destroy every evil manipulation or witchcraft aimed at my marriage. Every curse, hex, and spell spoken over us is broken now in Jesus’ name! No evil power will control or manipulate our relationship!

  1. Prayer for Holy Spirit Guidance

Holy Spirit, guide us in every decision and action as a couple. Let no confusion or deception take root in our minds. We declare that we will walk in wisdom and understanding, led by Your divine counsel!

  1. Prayer for Protection from External Influences

In the name of Jesus, I bind every negative external influence, whether from friends, family, or society, that seeks to corrupt or disrupt our marriage. I declare that no evil counsel will come near us!

  1. Prayer for Restoration of Trust

Father, restore any trust that has been broken in our marriage. We cast out the spirit of betrayal and deception, and we declare that trust and honesty are the foundation of our union, in Jesus’ name!

  1. Prayer to Close Every Open Door to the Enemy

In Jesus’ name, I close every door that has been opened to the enemy, whether through sin, negligence, or ignorance. Every portal that allows the enemy to enter is sealed by the blood of Jesus!

  1. Prayer for the Mind of Christ

Lord, give my spouse and me the mind of Christ, that we may think and act in alignment with Your will. Let every ungodly thought, temptation, or evil whisper be silenced in the name of Jesus!

  1. Prayer for Financial Protection

Father, protect us from financial attacks and any spirit of lack that seeks to bring stress into our marriage. We rebuke the devourer in Jesus’ name, and declare financial peace and provision over our household!

  1. Prayer for the Bond of Love

Lord, strengthen the bond of love between my spouse and me. I rebuke every spirit of hatred, resentment, and unforgiveness, and declare that our love will never fail, in Jesus’ name!

  1. Prayer to Cancel Any Word Curse

Every negative word spoken against my marriage is rendered powerless in Jesus’ name! I cancel every word curse, spell, or incantation sent to destroy our union. We declare that our marriage is blessed by God!

  1. Prayer for Clarity and Wisdom

Holy Spirit, give us clarity in our thoughts and decisions. Remove any confusion or manipulation sent by the enemy to cloud our judgment. We declare that we will operate in wisdom and discernment!

  1. Prayer for the Armor of God

Lord, we put on the full armor of God to stand firm against the enemy. We declare that our marriage is covered in the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the shield of faith, and the sword of the Spirit!

  1. Prayer to Silence the Enemy’s Voice

In the name of Jesus, I silence every voice of the enemy speaking lies, doubt, or confusion into our marriage. We reject the enemy’s influence and declare that we will hear only the voice of God!

  1. Prayer for Emotional Healing

Lord, heal any emotional wounds that the enemy may have caused in our hearts. We declare that no past hurt or trauma will have power over our marriage. We are healed and whole in Jesus’ name!

  1. Prayer to Destroy Demonic Altars

Every demonic altar erected against my marriage is torn down in Jesus’ name! I destroy every place where the enemy has made sacrifices or sent curses. I declare freedom from all spiritual bondage!

  1. Prayer for Divine Favor

Father, grant divine favor over my marriage. Let every plan of the enemy to block our blessings be destroyed. We declare that we will flourish and prosper as a couple, in Jesus’ name!

  1. Prayer Against Evil Dreams

In the name of Jesus, I cancel every evil dream or nightmare sent to attack our marriage. Every demonic assignment in the dream realm is nullified, and we declare peaceful, godly dreams!

  1. Prayer for a Hedge of Protection

Lord, place a hedge of protection around my marriage. Let no evil spirit, person, or influence penetrate the barrier of Your divine protection. We are safe under the shadow of Your wings!

  1. Prayer for a Spirit of Agreement

In the name of Jesus, I release a spirit of agreement over our marriage. We declare that we will walk in harmony and unity, and no spirit of disagreement or strife will divide us!

  1. Prayer Against Infidelity

I rebuke the spirit of infidelity, adultery, and lust in Jesus’ name! I declare that our hearts are bound to one another and that no other person will come between us!

  1. Prayer for Revival of Our Love

Holy Spirit, breathe new life into our love. Rekindle the passion and commitment that we share, and let our marriage reflect the love of Christ for His church!

  1. Prayer for God’s Blessing Over Our Covenant

Father, bless our marriage and strengthen the covenant we made before You. We declare that no evil power will ever break this bond, for what You have joined together, no man or spirit can separate!


Prayer is one of the most important ways to protect and strengthen a marriage. By using these 30 warfare prayers for marriage, you are placing a spiritual hedge around your relationship and inviting God to be the foundation of your union. No matter what challenges may arise, you can rely on God’s power to safeguard your marriage and nurture it to grow in love and faithfulness.

Remember, these prayers for marriage are more than just words; they are powerful declarations that invite God’s protection and guidance into your marriage, ensuring that no evil can prosper against it.


Read also: Powerful Prayers Against Marriage Destroyers

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