40 Intercessory Prayer for Mental Illness

Intercessory prayer for mental illness

Mental illness affects millions of individuals and their families. As people of faith, intercessory prayer becomes a powerful tool to support and uplift those battling mental health challenges. Offering an intercessory prayer for mental illness is a compassionate way to bring healing, comfort, and peace to those who suffer. In this post, we’ll cover 40 prayers that you can use to stand in the gap for others, invoking God’s mercy and guidance for mental wellness.

What is Intercessory Prayer?

Intercessory prayer is the act of praying on behalf of others. It stems from a deep place of love and empathy, where we lift someone else’s burdens to God. When praying for mental health, we seek healing, strength, and divine intervention in situations that often feel overwhelming for those affected.

Importance of Intercessory Prayer for Mental Illness

Mental illness comes in many forms, from anxiety and depression to more severe conditions like schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. While professional treatment is crucial, prayer serves as a spiritual aid, asking God to bring relief, clarity, and restoration. It’s a way to help those who may feel isolated, hopeless, or burdened by their mental health challenges.

40 Intercessory Prayers for Mental Illness

Here are 40 Intercessory prayer for mental illness that you can use to intercede and pray for others going through this:

  1. Heavenly Father, I lift up [Name], who is battling anxiety. Calm their racing mind and fill them with Your peace that surpasses all understanding (Philippians 4:7, KJV).
  2. Lord Jesus, we bring those suffering from depression into Your hands. Let Your light pierce the darkness in their life, bringing hope and healing.
  3. Holy Spirit, intercede for those with PTSD. Release them from the chains of trauma, and restore their sense of safety and peace.
  4. Gracious God, we pray for those battling bipolar disorder. Stabilize their moods and grant them peace in the highs and lows.
  5. Almighty Father, heal those with schizophrenia. Silence the voices of confusion, and allow them to hear Your voice of clarity and truth.
  6. Jesus, our Healer, be with those struggling with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Break the cycle of intrusive thoughts and compulsive behaviors.
  7. Lord, touch the minds of those with eating disorders. Heal their body image, and help them to see themselves as fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14, KJV).
  8. God of Peace, I ask for healing for those battling insomnia due to mental distress. Grant them restful sleep and peace of mind.
  9. Heavenly Father, heal the broken hearts of those affected by grief and loss. Comfort them in their time of sorrow, and ease their emotional pain.
  10. Lord, our Shepherd, guide those dealing with suicidal thoughts. Let them know their life has purpose and meaning in You (Jeremiah 29:11, KJV).
  11. Merciful Father, we intercede for those with addiction that coexists with mental illness. Break the strongholds, and lead them toward freedom and healing.
  12. Jesus, protect the minds of those vulnerable to panic attacks. Bring a wave of calm to overwhelm the feelings of dread and fear.
  13. Father, strengthen caregivers of those with mental illness. Renew their strength daily, and give them wisdom and patience in their care.
  14. God, I pray for children facing mental health issues. Guard their innocence, and help them grow in strength and resilience.
  15. Lord of Hosts, surround those with social anxiety with Your presence. Ease their fears, and help them to engage with others confidently.
  16. Gracious Lord, uplift those with postpartum depression. Help them feel Your love, and let them find joy in their role as a mother.
  17. Heavenly Healer, restore those with dissociative disorders. Bring unity to their fragmented minds, and help them find healing.
  18. Almighty God, I pray for those suffering from phobias. Free them from irrational fears, and help them live courageously.
  19. Lord of Compassion, I lift up those dealing with borderline personality disorder. Give them stability in their emotions and relationships.
  20. Father, we ask for peace for those experiencing severe mood swings. Grant them a balanced mind and heart in all circumstances.
  21. Jesus, the Prince of Peace, protect those overwhelmed with stress and burnout. Lead them to rest in Your presence and find renewal.
  22. Gracious Savior, I intercede for those unable to trust due to past trauma. Teach them to trust again in You and in healthy relationships.
  23. Heavenly Father, give courage to those who fear leaving their homes due to agoraphobia. Help them experience freedom in Your protection.
  24. Lord, heal the mind of those with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Help them focus and find structure in their daily tasks.
  25. Merciful God, touch those with autism spectrum disorders. Provide them with understanding and support, and help them find joy in who they are.
  26. Father of All Comfort, be with families impacted by mental illness. Help them to communicate well and support each other in love.
  27. Jesus, I lift up those who feel disconnected from reality due to psychosis. Ground them in Your truth, and bring them back to clarity.
  28. Lord, relieve the guilt and shame that often accompany mental illness. Help those suffering to accept Your grace and forgiveness.
  29. God of Hope, uplift those who feel hopeless in their mental health battle. Remind them that You are their refuge and strength (Psalm 46:1, KJV).
  30. Heavenly Father, provide emotional healing for those who have been victims of abuse. Restore their sense of self-worth and identity in You.
  31. Lord Jesus, I pray for those who isolate themselves due to their mental illness. Surround them with a community that loves and supports them.
  32. Holy Spirit, bring clarity to those confused by mental illness. Help them to think clearly and make sound decisions.
  33. Gracious God, relieve those who suffer from intrusive thoughts. Shield their minds with Your truth and peace.
  34. Father, guide those struggling with decision-making due to anxiety. Help them to trust in Your wisdom and direction.
  35. Lord of Mercy, I pray for those who are battling overwhelming feelings of anger or rage. Bring peace to their emotions and restore their calm.
  36. Heavenly Healer, protect the minds of those experiencing hallucinations. Help them to differentiate between reality and false perceptions.
  37. Jesus, provide hope to those weary from mental health battles. Encourage their hearts, and renew their strength daily.
  38. Father of Light, illuminate the darkness that so often clouds the minds of those with mental illness. Let Your truth shine in their lives.
  39. Lord, I ask for the restoration of relationships broken due to mental health challenges. Help forgiveness and reconciliation take root.
  40. God of Comfort, be near to those who feel abandoned due to their mental struggles. Remind them of Your promise never to leave or forsake them (Hebrews 13:5, KJV).

How to Use These Intercessory Prayers for Mental Illness

You can adapt these prayers to suit your needs, whether you are praying for yourself, a loved one, or a group. These prayers are rooted in the belief that God hears and answers the cries of His people, especially in times of suffering.


Offering an intercessory prayer for mental illness not only brings spiritual support but also allows the person to feel cared for and loved. While medical treatment remains essential, we must also turn to prayer for God’s intervention, believing in His power to heal and restore. Be encouraged that your prayers, whether said in private or in a group setting, can make a profound difference in someone’s life.

As you lift others up in prayer, may you also find peace, hope, and the assurance that God is working through your words to bring healing to the minds and hearts of those in need.

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