40 Powerful Intercessory Prayer Points for the Sick

Intercessory prayer points for the sick

When a loved one or even a stranger is suffering from illness, it can be overwhelming. Offering intercessory prayers is a way to uplift them spiritually and ask for divine healing. This collection of intercessory prayer points for the sick will help you intercede on their behalf, trusting in God’s power to heal and restore.

What is Intercessory Prayer?

Intercessory prayer is when you pray on behalf of others, standing in the gap between them and God. In times of sickness, these prayers can provide comfort, healing, and encouragement to those in need. The Bible speaks of the power of interceding for others (James 5:16), especially when someone is physically or spiritually weak.

Short Intercessory Prayer for the Sick

1. Heavenly Father, we come before You asking for healing for [Name]. Touch their body with Your powerful hand and remove all illness.

2. Lord, give [Name] strength and courage to face this trial. Surround them with Your peace and comfort.

3. We pray that the medical staff treating [Name] will be guided by Your wisdom. Bless their hands and minds in Jesus’ name.

4. Father, You are the ultimate healer. We place [Name] in Your hands, trusting that Your will be done in their life.

5. Jehovah Rapha, the God who heals, we call upon You for [Name]’s complete recovery. Restore health and vitality to their body.

Miracle Healing Intercessory Prayer Points for the Sick

6. Lord, we ask for a miracle of healing for [Name]. Where doctors see no hope, we believe in Your power to make a way.

7. In the name of Jesus, we rebuke every illness afflicting [Name]. No weapon formed against them shall prosper.

8. Father, send Your healing angels to surround [Name]. Let their body respond to treatment and recover speedily.

9. We command every spirit of infirmity to leave [Name]’s body right now in the mighty name of Jesus.

10. Lord, just as You healed the blind, the lame, and the sick during Your time on earth, we ask You to do the same for [Name] today.

Scripture-Based Intercessory Prayer Points for Healing the Sick

11. Father, we stand on Your promise in Isaiah 53:5, “By His stripes, we are healed.” Let [Name] experience the full manifestation of this promise.

12. Psalm 107:20 says, “He sent out His word and healed them.” Lord, send Your word to heal [Name] right now.

13. As it says in Jeremiah 30:17, “I will restore health to you, and your wounds I will heal.” Lord, restore [Name]’s health completely.

14. According to James 5:15, “The prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise them up.” We speak faith over [Name] and declare that they are being raised up.

15. In the name of Jesus, we declare John 10:10 over [Name] – that they will have life and have it abundantly, free from sickness.

Prayer for the Sick Family Member

16. Father, we lift up our family member, [Name], who is battling illness. Bring peace to our hearts as we trust in Your plan for their healing.

17. Lord, cover our family with Your protection as we support [Name] during this time of illness. Strengthen our faith and keep our hope alive.

18. We pray for the emotional and physical well-being of our sick family member, that they will find comfort and healing in Your presence.

19. Lord, may our family member, [Name], feel Your love and presence as they recover. Give them the strength to keep fighting and the grace to endure.

20. We trust in Your perfect timing and ask that You heal our family member swiftly, restoring them to full health.

Intercessory Prayer for Healing the Sick in the Church

21. Father, we lift up all those in our church who are sick. Bring healing to their bodies and peace to their souls.

22. Lord, let Your healing power flow through our congregation. Strengthen those who are weak and restore their health.

23. Father, we pray for anyone struggling with chronic illness in our church. Provide relief from pain and suffering in Jesus’ name.

24. We ask for divine healing for every member of our church who is sick. May their faith be strengthened, and their bodies restored.

25. Lord, let our church be a place of healing and restoration for those battling sickness. Bring about miraculous recoveries that glorify Your name.

Powerful Intercessory Prayer Points for the Sick

26. In Jesus’ name, we pray against every sickness and disease afflicting [Name]. Let them experience divine health and wholeness.

27. We declare that the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead is at work in [Name]’s body, bringing life and healing to every cell.

28. Lord, we ask that every test result will come back favorable for [Name], showing signs of improvement and recovery.

29. Father, touch the immune system of [Name] and strengthen it to fight off every infection, virus, or bacteria.

30. In Jesus’ name, we speak to the root of the illness in [Name] and command it to leave their body immediately.

Praying for Strength and Comfort for the Sick

31. Lord, give [Name] the strength to endure this season of illness. Let them feel Your presence and be comforted by Your love.

32. Father, we ask that You replace [Name]’s fear with peace and their weakness with strength. Let them rest in Your care.

33. Lord, be the source of strength for [Name] when they feel weak. Lift their spirit and help them to persevere.

34. Father, provide comfort to [Name] in their time of need. Let Your love be a balm that soothes both body and soul.

35. Lord, as [Name] recovers, fill their heart with hope and their mind with peace, knowing that You are in control.

Intercessory Prayer for Full Restoration

36. Father, we ask for a complete recovery for [Name]. May their body be fully restored and their health renewed.

37. Lord, let every organ and system in [Name]’s body function according to Your perfect design. Restore them to full health.

38. We pray for [Name]’s spiritual, emotional, and physical restoration. Heal every part of their being, O Lord.

39. Lord, let [Name] emerge from this illness stronger in faith and testimony, giving You all the glory for their healing.

40. In Jesus’ name, we declare total healing and restoration for [Name]. Let them walk in health and strength all the days of their life.


Interceding for the sick is an act of compassion, faith, and trust in God’s healing power. These intercessory prayer points for the sick will guide you as you pray for those in need of physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. Remember, God hears our prayers and is faithful to bring comfort and restoration in His perfect timing.

By using these powerful prayers into your intercessory sessions, you stand in the gap for the sick, allowing God to work miracles in their lives.

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