40 Powerful Self Deliverance Prayer Points

40 Powerful Self Deliverance Prayer Points

Spiritual battles are a part of every believer’s journey, but through faith, we have the authority to seek freedom and healing. Self-deliverance enables us to lean directly on God’s power to overcome spiritual challenges, habits, and negative patterns in our lives. In this guide, we’ll explore what self-deliverance entails, helpful Bible verses, and 40 unique self-deliverance prayer points that you can use in your personal prayer time.

What is Self Deliverance?

Self-deliverance is the practice of seeking freedom from spiritual struggles through your own prayers and faith, instead of relying solely on others. It emphasizes taking personal responsibility for one’s spiritual growth and engaging directly with God to experience His power and freedom.

This approach often involves prayers of confession, renouncing past attachments, and asking for God’s intervention against oppressive forces. Through self-deliverance, believers declare God’s promises over their lives, taking a firm stand against any forces or behaviors that are not of God.

Self Deliverance Scriptures

Scripture provides the foundation for self-deliverance. Meditating on these verses can reinforce your faith and remind you of God’s power to free you from spiritual struggles:

  • John 8:36 (ESV) – “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.”
  • 2 Timothy 1:7 (NIV) – “For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.”
  • Psalm 34:17 (NKJV) – “The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears, and delivers them out of all their troubles.”
  • Matthew 18:18 (KJV) – “Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.”
  • 1 John 4:4 (NIV) – “You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.”

These scriptures reinforce the belief that God is our deliverer, and through faith in Him, we have the strength to overcome any spiritual oppression.

40 Powerful Self Deliverance Prayer Points

As you engage in these self-deliverance prayer points, approach each one with faith, asking God to reveal areas where you may need to let go, forgive, or surrender to His guidance.

  1. Lord, I come before You in humility, acknowledging that You alone are my deliverer. Grant me freedom from every spiritual bondage.
  2. Father, I renounce any hidden sin in my life. Expose and cleanse me, Lord.
  3. In the name of Jesus, I command every generational curse in my family to be broken. I am covered by the blood of Jesus.
  4. I declare that every plan of the enemy over my life is nullified. I am hidden in Christ.
  5. Lord, I release any spirit of anger or unforgiveness. Fill me with Your peace.
  6. I claim the authority in Jesus’ name to break free from addiction. Let my desires align with Your will.
  7. Father, give me discernment to recognize and resist any evil influence in my life.
  8. I cancel every negative word ever spoken over me. I declare blessings and favor upon my life.
  9. Lord, guard my mind against thoughts of despair. Replace them with hope and strength in You.
  10. In Jesus’ name, I dismantle any unhealthy spiritual ties that do not honor You.
  11. Father, empower me with the Holy Spirit to walk in purity and righteousness.
  12. Lord, open my eyes to areas in my life that need healing and restoration.
  13. I break every chain of stagnation and declare progress in every area of my life.
  14. In Jesus’ name, I command any spirit of poverty to release its hold over my finances.
  15. Lord, strengthen my faith to overcome fear and anxiety. You are my peace.
  16. Father, remove every root of bitterness from my heart. Let love and compassion flourish.
  17. I rebuke any spirit of infirmity affecting my health. I claim divine healing in Jesus’ name.
  18. Lord, renew my mind. Help me to focus on things that are pure, noble, and true.
  19. I release any lingering guilt or shame from past sins. I am forgiven by Your grace.
  20. In Jesus’ name, I declare that every form of oppression in my life is broken.
  21. Father, surround me with Your protection against any spiritual attacks.
  22. Lord, I renounce any involvement with occult practices or ungodly beliefs. Cleanse me, O God.
  23. I declare that my life belongs to Christ and that no evil power has authority over me.
  24. In Jesus’ name, I break free from any spiritual influence that does not glorify You.
  25. Father, restore any joy or peace that has been stolen by the enemy.
  26. Lord, remove any spirit of comparison or jealousy from my heart. Help me be content.
  27. I command every spirit of confusion to leave. Guide me with clarity and wisdom.
  28. In Jesus’ name, I break free from cycles of defeat. I walk in victory by faith.
  29. Father, fill my home with Your presence. Drive out any spirit that seeks to disturb our peace.
  30. Lord, strengthen me to resist any temptation that leads me away from Your path.
  31. I declare that no generational curse will affect my children. We are blessed and set apart.
  32. In Jesus’ name, I break free from a spirit of procrastination and embrace a spirit of diligence.
  33. Lord, I trust You to protect my thoughts, words, and actions. Guide me in Your truth.
  34. I cancel every evil plot against my success. I will thrive in the plans You have for me.
  35. In Jesus’ name, I release any fear of failure. I am more than a conqueror in Christ.
  36. Lord, transform my heart to forgive others as You have forgiven me.
  37. Father, release me from any habit that hinders my relationship with You.
  38. I declare that no form of spiritual darkness will overshadow my life. I walk in light.
  39. Lord, grant me strength to overcome any weakness. Let Your power be made perfect in me.
  40. Father, I thank You for the freedom and victory You have given me through Christ. I stand firm in Your deliverance.

These prayer points cover a wide range of struggles and affirmations, aiming to bring you closer to a life of spiritual freedom. Use these prayers regularly, or adapt them as you feel led, to deepen your connection with God and reinforce your faith.


Self-deliverance prayer is a step of faith that involves courage, honesty, and reliance on God’s strength. By engaging in these self-deliverance prayers, you are choosing to stand firm against any influence or habit that doesn’t align with God’s purpose for you. As you persist in prayer, continue to immerse yourself in His Word, trust in His power, and expect a transformation in your life.

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