40 Prayer Points for Church Growth and Expansion

40 prayer points for church growth

The church is God’s plan for spiritual transformation in our communities and the world. As believers, we have an essential role to play in praying for the church’s growth, spiritual vitality, and powerful impact.

The Bible instructs us to devote ourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful (Colossians 4:2, NIV). What better way to be watchful in prayer than to intercede for our local churches to experience revival and see many souls added to God’s kingdom?

Jesus said, “I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” (Matthew 16:18, ESV). While the growth of the church is ultimately the Lord’s doing, we get to be His co-laborers through persevering prayer.

In this blog post, we will explore 40 prayer points for church growth centered on seeking God for the spiritual multiplication and flourishing of our churches. From new believer conversions to leadership development, pursuit of unity, fruitful ministry efforts, strong families and more – we’ll cover key areas to target in prayer for church growth.

As we align our hearts with God’s purposes for His church, we can expect to see breakthrough and mighty movements of the Holy Spirit when we are faithful in prayer. Let’s contend together for God’s kingdom to increase and His church to thrive!

What scripture talks about church growth?

The growth and multiplication of the church is ultimately a work of God, as it is His desire for all people to come to repentance and salvation (2 Peter 3:9). However, the Bible also makes it clear that we as believers have a vital role to play in praying, evangelizing, and creating an environment conducive for people to encounter Christ and be discipled.

When the early church was filled with the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost, we see the first explosive growth recorded in Acts 2:47 (ESV): “And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.”

The apostle Paul highlights the interdependence of our efforts with God’s life-giving power in 1 Corinthians 3:6-7 (NIV): “I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. So, neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow.”

For the church to grow in a healthy, sustainable way, it must remain vitally connected to Christ as the head. Colossians 2:19 (ESV) states: “and not holding fast to the Head, from whom the whole body, nourished and knit together through its joints and ligaments, grows with a growth that is from God.”

Ephesians 4:11-16 underscores the importance of leadership roles to equip believers for service so “the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.”

Ultimately, prayer, Spirit-led evangelism, discipleship, and Christ-centered leadership all play a role in positioning the church for the growth that only God can give. As we remain faithful, we can expect the Lord to continue building His church according to His divine purposes.

40 Prayer Points for Church Growth

  1. Prayer for Bringing Back God’s Glory

Oh Lord, we ask You to bring back the radiant glory of our church with Your consuming fire, in the powerful name of Jesus. Let Your bright light shine again, drawing hearts closer to You. (Habakkuk 2:14)

  1. Prayer for Excellence and Visibility

Lord, let our church shine with excellence and be visible to all. May Your light guide others to find solace and truth in Your presence. (Matthew 5:16)

  1. Prayer for Abundant Increase

Oh God, may the latter days of our church be even more glorious than the former. Bring about a speedy growth that surpasses all expectations, for Your honor. (Haggai 2:9)

  1. Prayer Against Anything Diminishing

Mighty God, scatter every force that aims to reduce or bring failure to our church. Let Your victory reign over us, breaking all chains. (Isaiah 54:17)

  1. Prayer for Expansion

Father, enlarge the territory of our church, extending our influence for Your divine plans. Let Your love touch more lives through us. (Isaiah 54:2)

  1. Prayer Against Evil Gates

Lord Jesus, demolish every gate of hell set against Your church. Let Your authority crush every stronghold of darkness. (Matthew 16:18)

  1. Prayer for God’s Presence

Holy Spirit, overshadow our church with Your presence. Let Your glory be felt, drawing hearts into deeper relationship with You. (Exodus 33:14)

  1. Prayer for Signs and Wonders

Father, let signs and wonders accompany our worship, confirming Your presence among us. Let miracles speak of Your power and draw people to You. (Acts 2:43)

  1. Prayer for Empowered Ministry

Lord, empower every worker and minister with Your Spirit. Help them to speak truth and minister with power and compassion. (Luke 4:18)

  1. Prayer for Spiritual Protection

Almighty God, disarm every force of darkness opposing our growth. Let Your mighty hand protect us and grant us victory in every battle. (2 Corinthians 10:4)

  1. Prayer for Miraculous Growth

Father, let the power of miracles be evident in our services. Let signs and wonders draw multitudes to witness Your grace. (Acts 5:12)

  1. Prayer for Retaining New Believers

Lord, help us retain new converts in our church. Let them grow in faith and become firmly rooted in Your love. (Colossians 2:6-7)

  1. Prayer Against Environmental Forces

Heavenly Father, scatter every environmental force opposing our growth. Establish Your dominion in every area of our lives. (Psalm 47:8)

  1. Prayer for Divine Visitation

Lord, visit us in every service with Your presence. Bring about growth and transformation as we encounter You. (Psalm 85:6)

  1. Prayer for Laborers

Father, send laborers into Your harvest field. Raise up passionate workers who will bring about great growth in Your church. (Luke 10:2)

  1. Prayer for Spiritual Awakening

Lord, remove every barrier hindering people from seeing You. Bring clarity and direction to those seeking You. (2 Corinthians 3:16)

  1. Prayer for Healing and Restoration

Oh Lord, bring healing and restoration to the sick among us. Let Your healing touch bring wholeness. (James 5:16)

  1. Prayer for Revival Fire

Holy Spirit, ignite a fire of revival in our hearts. Let Your presence transform us and ignite a passion for Your kingdom. (Psalm 80:19)

  1. Prayer for Comfort and Peace

Father, let Your church be a place of comfort and peace for the weary. Let Your love be our refuge. (2 Corinthians 1:3-4)

  1. Prayer for Financial Provision

Lord, provide for our church and members abundantly. Let resources be available for Your work. (Philippians 4:19)

  1. Prayer for Unity

Heavenly Father, unite us in love and purpose. Help us to work together in harmony. (Ephesians 4:3)

  1. Prayer for Divine Guidance

Lord, frustrate every plan of the enemy over our services. Guide us in Your ways. (Psalm 25:4-5)

  1. Prayer Against Territorial Powers

Almighty God, scatter every power opposing Your church’s growth. Establish Your kingdom in every place. (Matthew 6:10)

  1. Prayer for Transformation

Father, transform us to be more like You. Let Your character be reflected in our lives. (Romans 12:2)

  1. Prayer Against Disobedience

Lord, help us walk in obedience to Your Word. Scatter every force causing stagnancy. (2 Corinthians 10:6)

  1. Prayer Against Worldly Influences

Heavenly Father, shield Your church from worldly influences. Keep us pure and holy for Your glory. (James 4:4)

  1. Prayer for Leadership

Lord, guide our leaders with Your wisdom and power. Help them lead with humility and integrity. (Proverbs 11:14)

  1. Prayer for Hunger for God’s Word

Father, ignite in us a hunger for Your Word. Let Your truth be our guide. (Psalm 119:105)

  1. Prayer for Anointing

Lord, anoint us afresh with Your Spirit. Equip us for every good work. (1 John 2:27)

  1. Prayer for Establishment in Christ

Heavenly Father, establish our lives firmly in You. Let Your presence be evident in all we do. (Colossians 2:7)

  1. Prayer for Selfless Service

Lord, help us serve one another selflessly. Let love be our motivation. (Galatians 5:13)

  1. Prayer for Protection

Father, protect Your church from every scheme of the enemy. Let Your angels guard us. (Psalm 91:11)

  1. Prayer for Discernment

Lord, give us discernment to recognize Your voice. Help us follow Your leading. (John 10:27)

  1. Prayer for Open Doors

Heavenly Father, open doors of opportunity for Your church. Let Your favor rest upon us. (Revelation 3:8)

  1. Prayer for Boldness

Lord, grant us boldness to proclaim Your truth. Let Your Spirit empower us. (Acts 4:29)

  1. Prayer for Compassion

Father, fill our hearts with compassion for the lost. Help us reach out with Your love. (Matthew 9:36)

  1. Prayer for Joy

Lord, fill us with Your joy. Let it be our strength. (Nehemiah 8:10)

  1. Prayer for Wisdom

Heavenly Father, grant us wisdom in all our decisions. Help us seek Your guidance. (James 1:5)

  1. Prayer for Endurance

Lord, give us endurance to run the race set before us. Let Your strength sustain us. (Hebrews 12:1)

  1. Prayer for Continued Growth

Father, we thank You for Your promise that the gates of hell will not prevail against Your church. Continue to grow and strengthen us for Your glory. (Matthew 16:18)


As we have diligently sought the Lord through these 40 prayer points for church growth, let us be encouraged that our prayers are powerful and effective. God desires to breathe new life into His church and add to our numbers daily those who are being saved.

We can be confident that when we align our hearts with God’s purposes and pray in faith according to His Word, He will move mightily. Whether bringing new believers to salvation, raising up called ministers, releasing spiritual gifts, healing divisions, or providing abundant resources – our God is able to do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20)!

Let us not grow weary in praying fervently for our local churches to experience heaven-sent revival and spiritual awakening. As we combine our supplications with obedience to the Great Commission, we can expect to see the Lord build His church and expand its reach for His glory.

The church belongs to Jesus, and He has promised that the gates of hell will not prevail against it (Matthew 16:18). So, we press on in prayer, knowing that our labor in the Lord is never in vain (1 Corinthians 15:58). May the Lord continue to strengthen us as we continue to for church growth through persistent, Biblical prayer!

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11 thoughts on “40 Prayer Points for Church Growth and Expansion”

  1. Martha Siwale

    The pray have really helped me to grow spiritual

    May God continue blessing you in Jesus Christ name

  2. Good is good. He is faithful. I thank the almighty God,for the prayers you wrote about church growth. God bless you more and more.

  3. Pingback: 120 Prayers[For Rapid Church Growth & Spiritual Advancement]

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