50 Deliverance Prayers for Laziness

deliverance prayer for laziness

Laziness can hinder spiritual growth, productivity, and overall success. Often, it’s not just a physical issue but a spiritual one, manifesting as a heavy burden on the soul. As believers, we are called to work diligently in all we do, as unto the Lord. This blog post contains 50 powerful deliverance prayers for laziness, along with answers to questions like How do you get rid of a spirit of laziness? and What is the Psalm for laziness?

What is the Spiritual Root of Laziness?

Before going into these prayers, it’s important to understand that laziness may have deeper spiritual roots. It can stem from discouragement, fear of failure, lack of vision, or even spiritual oppression. Proverbs 13:4 (NKJV) says, “The soul of a lazy man desires and has nothing, but the soul of the diligent shall be made rich.” Understanding that laziness is often tied to a lack of purpose or spiritual heaviness is the first step in addressing it through deliverance.

How Do You Get Rid of a Spirit of Laziness?

Breaking free from a spirit of laziness requires intentionality, discipline, and prayer. Here are some ways to combat laziness spiritually:

  • Renew Your Mind: Romans 12:2 reminds us to be transformed by the renewal of our minds. Laziness often starts in the mind, so you need to feed your thoughts with the Word of God, setting yourself on the path to productivity.
  • Declare God’s Word Over Yourself: Speaking the truth of Scripture over your life can help in breaking chains of laziness. Declare that you have the mind of Christ and are capable of diligence (1 Corinthians 2:16).
  • Practice Accountability: Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 speaks of the power of accountability. Surround yourself with people who will encourage you to stay productive and focused.
  • Pray for Strength: Laziness often arises from a feeling of discouragement. Isaiah 40:31 says, “But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength.” Ask God to renew your energy and motivation.

50 Deliverance Prayer for Laziness

Here are 50 powerful deliverance prayer for laziness

  1. Father, I come before You asking for deliverance from the spirit of laziness that has hindered my productivity.
  2. Lord, remove every heavy burden that is keeping me from fulfilling my purpose.
  3. Father, let every spiritual chain of idleness in my life be broken in Jesus’ name.
  4. Holy Spirit, empower me with diligence and a sense of urgency to fulfill my tasks.
  5. Lord, help me to overcome every distraction that fuels my laziness.
  6. Father, I reject every thought of procrastination and idleness that holds me back.
  7. Holy Spirit, guide my steps toward discipline and fruitful living.
  8. Lord, help me to align my mind with Your Word, and give me the energy to work diligently.
  9. Father, restore my passion for the work You have called me to do.
  10. Lord, deliver me from the desire to take shortcuts and help me to work as unto You.
  11. I break every spiritual yoke of laziness in my life in Jesus’ name.
  12. Father, renew my strength and help me to soar like an eagle.
  13. Lord, help me to discern and reject the lies of the enemy that fuel laziness.
  14. Father, I speak life and productivity over my endeavors.
  15. Lord, give me a heart of discipline and focus.
  16. Father, help me to rise early and start my day with purpose.
  17. Lord, empower me to resist every form of slothfulness.
  18. I bind every spirit of laziness that seeks to limit my potential in Jesus’ name.
  19. Lord, remove from me every mindset that glorifies idleness.
  20. Father, deliver me from the temptation of apathy.
  21. Lord, help me to rely on Your strength and not my own, especially when I feel tired.
  22. Father, let Your Word be a lamp unto my feet, guiding me away from laziness.
  23. Lord, help me to be a good steward of the time You have given me.
  24. Father, I pray against any fear that leads to procrastination.
  25. Lord, help me to be diligent in prayer and spiritual growth.
  26. Father, deliver me from distractions that cause unproductiveness.
  27. Lord, remove every spirit of depression that is masking itself as laziness.
  28. Father, fill me with zeal for Your work and purpose.
  29. Lord, I ask for grace to finish what I start without delay.
  30. Father, release me from any form of spiritual sluggishness.
  31. Lord, break every cycle of delay caused by laziness in my life.
  32. Father, help me to cultivate the habit of hard work.
  33. Lord, I ask for Your wisdom to prioritize my tasks effectively.
  34. Father, help me to serve You diligently, knowing that my work is an act of worship.
  35. Lord, release me from every generational curse of laziness.
  36. Father, let Your fire burn every seed of slothfulness in me.
  37. Lord, help me to find joy in working diligently for You.
  38. Father, give me the grace to persevere even when the work is hard.
  39. Lord, remove any spirit of lethargy that is holding me back.
  40. Father, help me to reflect Your image through my work ethic.
  41. Lord, give me the discipline to stick to my schedule and fulfill my responsibilities.
  42. Father, empower me to break free from the grip of laziness permanently.
  43. Lord, let Your Holy Spirit strengthen me in moments of weakness.
  44. Father, help me to walk in obedience to Your commands and avoid slothfulness.
  45. Lord, deliver me from every habit that fosters laziness.
  46. Father, break every spiritual chain that binds me to inactivity.
  47. Lord, help me to set productive goals and work diligently to achieve them.
  48. Father, remove every spirit of excuse-making that enables laziness.
  49. Lord, give me the grace to finish my race with diligence.
  50. Father, I declare that I am free from the spirit of laziness in Jesus’ name.

What is the Psalm for Laziness?

Psalm 90:17 (NKJV) says, “And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands for us; Yes, establish the work of our hands.” This verse can be a powerful prayer to ask God to bless and sustain your work, guiding you away from laziness and toward productivity.

Another relevant Psalm is Psalm 119:28 (ESV): “My soul melts away for sorrow; strengthen me according to your word!” This is a request for God to empower you when you feel weak or overwhelmed, a feeling that can lead to laziness.


Overcoming laziness requires spiritual warfare, discipline, and reliance on God. These 50 deliverance prayers for laziness will equip you to break free from laziness and pursue your God-given purpose with renewed strength and diligence. Remember, as you work diligently, you reflect the character of Christ, who accomplished all that the Father set before Him.


Read also: 11th Hour Miracle Prayer Points

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