50 Powerful Warfare Prayer Points Against Marine Spirits

Prayer Points Against Marine Spirits

Marine spirits, also known as water spirits, are believed by some to be demonic forces that operate in bodies of water. These spirits are often associated with spiritual attacks, bondage, and oppression. Engaging in prayer warfare against such spirits can provide spiritual protection and liberation. Below is a collection of powerful warfare prayer points against marine spirits to help you combat their influence.

What Are Marine Spirits?

Marine spirits are believed to be demonic entities that operate from water sources such as rivers, lakes, seas, and oceans. Many cultures have recognized these spirits through various names, but their goal remains the same: to enslave, torment, and cause chaos in people’s lives. Understanding this spiritual phenomenon is important for believers who seek deliverance through targeted prayers.

Signs of Marine Spirit Oppression

Before going into the prayer points, it’s helpful to recognize signs that may indicate the presence of marine spirits:

  • Dreams of water or marine creatures: Recurrent dreams involving bodies of water or creatures from the sea may signal an attack by marine spirits.
  • Stagnation in finances or career: Sudden, unexplained financial or career setbacks could indicate the influence of marine spirits.
  • Immorality and lust: Marine spirits are often linked to sexual immorality and perversion.
  • Family disunity and broken relationships: These spirits may cause division in homes, resulting in broken families and strained relationships.

If any of these signs are present in your life, it’s time to engage in warfare prayer. 

Bible Verses

  • Isaiah 49:24-25 (NKJV): “Shall the prey be taken from the mighty, or the captives of the righteous be delivered? But thus says the Lord: ‘Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away, and the prey of the terrible be delivered; for I will contend with him who contends with you, and I will save your children.'”
  • 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 (KJV): “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God.”

50 Powerful Warfare Prayer Points Against Marine Spirits

Below are 50 powerful prayer points against marine spirits to help you break free from their stronghold.

  1. Heavenly Father, I come before You in the name of Jesus, asking for deliverance from every marine spirit attacking my life.
  2. I break every covenant made knowingly or unknowingly with marine spirits in Jesus’ name.
  3. By the blood of Jesus, I nullify every agreement between me and marine spirits.
  4. I command every marine spirit operating in my life to be destroyed by the fire of the Holy Ghost.
  5. Lord, I release myself from any initiation into marine spirits through dreams or physical contact.
  6. Father, by Your power, I uproot every marine kingdom’s influence over my finances in Jesus’ name.
  7. I reject every manipulation from marine spirits over my health in the name of Jesus.
  8. Holy Ghost fire, consume every marine spirit influencing my thoughts and decisions.
  9. I cancel every marine spirit altar raised against me by the blood of Jesus.
  10. Father, send Your warrior angels to fight on my behalf against marine spirits in the name of Jesus.
  11. Every water spirit assigned to destroy my marriage, be silenced by the fire of God.
  12. I break every soul tie with marine spirits, and I declare my freedom in Jesus’ name.
  13. Father, deliver my family from every marine spirit operating through ancestral covenants.
  14. I reject and renounce every marine spirit’s claim over my life in Jesus’ name.
  15. Lord, let every evil deposit from marine spirits in my body be purged by the blood of Jesus.
  16. I command every marine spirit affecting my spiritual growth to be destroyed by fire.
  17. In the name of Jesus, I break every marine spirit’s chain holding me in captivity.
  18. Father, by Your mighty hand, deliver me from the grip of marine spirits in my dreams.
  19. Every marine spirit masquerading as a friend or helper in my life, be exposed and destroyed.
  20. I bind every marine spirit attacking my progress in the name of Jesus.
  21. By the authority in Jesus’ name, I scatter every marine spirit network operating against my life.
  22. I call upon the fire of God to consume every marine spirit altar that is fighting my destiny.
  23. I declare that my dreams are covered by the blood of Jesus, and no marine spirit can enter them.
  24. Every marine spirit manipulating my emotions, I command you to leave now in Jesus’ name.
  25. Father, cleanse me from every contamination caused by marine spirits.
  26. I break every spell, incantation, and curse from marine spirits over my life in Jesus’ name.
  27. Lord, release Your judgment upon every marine spirit holding me in bondage.
  28. Every marine spirit assigned to destroy my destiny, I command you to perish in the name of Jesus.
  29. I release myself from the grip of any marine queen or king operating in the waters.
  30. I command all marine spirits to flee from my life and my family in Jesus’ name.
  31. I take authority over every marine spirit trying to control my relationships and break their hold in Jesus’ name.
  32. By the blood of Jesus, I sever every tie between my ancestors and marine spirits.
  33. Lord, let Your angels go forth and bind every marine spirit hindering my breakthrough.
  34. I decree and declare that I am free from every marine spirit’s oppression in Jesus’ name.
  35. I destroy every marine spirit’s power over my family lineage by the power in the name of Jesus.
  36. Every marine spirit causing confusion in my life, be consumed by Holy Ghost fire.
  37. I come against every marine spirit manifesting as lust or immorality in my life, be cast out in Jesus’ name.
  38. Father, restore everything that marine spirits have stolen from my life in Jesus’ name.
  39. I cancel every marine spirit’s attack on my finances and declare financial freedom in Jesus’ name.
  40. Lord, let Your light shine upon every hidden marine spirit influence in my life and expose them in Jesus’ name.
  41. Every marine spirit hindering my spiritual gifts and abilities, I command you to leave in Jesus’ name.
  42. I decree that no marine spirit will have control over my mind or thoughts in Jesus’ name.
  43. Lord, shield me from every marine spirit trying to gain access to my life through sin.
  44. I declare that my home is a no-go zone for marine spirits in Jesus’ name.
  45. Father, let every marine spirit working against my children be destroyed by the fire of the Holy Ghost.
  46. I reject every marine spirit’s attempt to destroy my prayer life in Jesus’ name.
  47. I command every serpent or marine creature in my dreams to be consumed by fire in Jesus’ name.
  48. Lord, I release myself from every curse of barrenness and stagnation imposed by marine spirits.
  49. I declare that I am victorious over marine spirits by the blood of Jesus and the word of my testimony.
  50. Thank You, Lord, for delivering me from the oppression of marine spirits, and I seal my freedom with the blood of Jesus.


Prayer is a powerful weapon in spiritual warfare. By using these prayer points against marine spirits, you can break free from their influence and reclaim your spiritual, financial, and emotional health. Remember, faith and persistence are key in defeating these spiritual forces. As you engage in these prayers, trust in God’s power to deliver you and lead you to complete victory.

May you experience divine deliverance as you pray these warfare prayers!


Read also: 30 Midnight Prayers and Bible Verses for Deliverance

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