60 Powerful Warfare Prayer Against Bad Dreams

Prayer against bad dreams

Bad dreams can cause anxiety, fear, and spiritual unrest. Many believe that these dreams are more than just nighttime thoughts—they may be spiritual attacks meant to disturb your peace. Engaging in warfare prayers is a powerful way to protect yourself and your loved ones from negative spiritual influences. In this post, we will explore 60 powerful warfare prayer against bad dreams and how you can strengthen your spirit to overcome any fear or threat they may bring. We will also discuss how to cancel a bad dream through prayer.

What Are Bad Dreams?

Bad dreams, also known as nightmares, can have many causes. From a psychological perspective, they can stem from stress, anxiety, or unresolved emotions. However, many believe that bad dreams can also be spiritual attacks, meant to disturb one’s peace and cause fear. Such dreams can drain one’s energy and disrupt sleep, making it essential to pray for protection.

60 Powerful Warfare Prayers Against Bad Dreams

Here are 60 warfare prayers you can use to protect yourself and cancel the effects of bad dreams. These prayers will help you seek divine protection and find peace in your sleep.

  1. Lord, I cover my dreams with the blood of Jesus. Let no evil come near me as I sleep tonight.
  2. I rebuke every spirit of fear and confusion that tries to manifest in my dreams.
  3. In the name of Jesus, I command every demonic spirit causing nightmares to leave me now.
  4. Father, send your angels to surround me and keep me safe from all evil as I sleep.
  5. I declare that no weapon formed against me in my dreams shall prosper (Isaiah 54:17).
  6. Lord, give me the strength to fight against any spiritual attack that comes through my dreams.
  7. I cancel every evil dream that has been planned for me tonight, in Jesus’ name.
  8. Let the light of God shine through the darkness in my dreams, exposing every plan of the enemy.
  9. Father, I declare that my sleep will be peaceful, and I will rest without fear (Psalm 4:8).
  10. In the name of Jesus, I break every curse of bad dreams over my life.
  11. Lord, protect my subconscious mind from the attacks of the enemy.
  12. I declare that no evil spirit will manipulate my dreams to bring fear or confusion.
  13. In Jesus’ name, I rebuke every demon sent to cause nightmares.
  14. Father, fill my dreams with Your peace and presence.
  15. I take authority over my dreams, declaring that they belong to God, not the enemy.
  16. Every evil force that tries to enter my dreams, be consumed by the fire of the Holy Spirit.
  17. Lord, I pray for clarity and discernment in my dreams, so I can recognize and reject any attack.
  18. I bind every demonic force trying to influence my sleep.
  19. Let the angels of God be stationed around me as I sleep to guard me from bad dreams.
  20. In Jesus’ name, I command every evil assignment against my dreams to be canceled.
  21. Father, purify my mind before I sleep, so that no evil can enter my thoughts or dreams.
  22. I plead the blood of Jesus over my room, my bed, and my sleep tonight.
  23. I reject every spirit of fear that tries to enter my dreams.
  24. Lord, let Your Holy Spirit fill my dreams and remove every form of darkness.
  25. In the name of Jesus, I bind every force of evil that seeks to invade my dreams.
  26. I declare that my sleep will be sweet, and I will not be disturbed by any evil force.
  27. Father, I thank You for protecting me from bad dreams and nightmares.
  28. Lord, let Your peace reign over my mind and dreams as I sleep.
  29. I cancel every bad dream that has been designed to cause harm or fear.
  30. In Jesus’ name, I take authority over my dreams and declare that they will be filled with God’s presence.
  31. Lord, send Your angels to fight for me in the spiritual realm, guarding me from all evil.
  32. Every demonic plot to cause nightmares, be destroyed now by the power of God.
  33. Father, let Your light chase away every dark force that tries to infiltrate my dreams.
  34. In the name of Jesus, I cancel every evil covenant made through bad dreams.
  35. I rebuke every spirit of confusion and chaos that tries to disrupt my peace during sleep.
  36. Lord, I declare that my dreams will be filled with visions of Your glory.
  37. I speak peace and tranquility over my sleep, rejecting all fear and anxiety.
  38. In Jesus’ name, I nullify every dream that has been sent to harm me or my loved ones.
  39. Father, let Your Holy Spirit guide my dreams and protect me from any attack.
  40. I cancel the assignment of every demon sent to cause bad dreams.
  41. I declare that my sleep will be protected by the blood of Jesus.
  42. Lord, I ask for divine protection over my dreams and thoughts.
  43. I command every dark force influencing my dreams to flee now, in Jesus’ name.
  44. In the name of Jesus, I reject every spirit of fear that tries to come through my dreams.
  45. Father, cover my mind and dreams with Your presence.
  46. Let every plan of the enemy to disturb my sleep be destroyed by the power of God.
  47. I speak the peace of God over my subconscious, rejecting all negative influences.
  48. In Jesus’ name, I command every nightmare to cease.
  49. Father, thank You for delivering me from bad dreams and nightmares.
  50. I plead the blood of Jesus over my sleep, rejecting every evil dream.
  51. I declare that I will not fear any dream, for the Lord is with me.
  52. In Jesus’ name, I cancel the power of every bad dream.
  53. Lord, fill my dreams with Your presence and peace.
  54. I reject every demonic influence over my dreams.
  55. Father, protect my mind and heart from fear and anxiety caused by bad dreams.
  56. In Jesus’ name, I take authority over every evil force that tries to enter my dreams.
  57. I speak peace over my sleep and declare that I will not fear any evil.
  58. Father, surround me with Your angels as I sleep, guarding me from all harm.
  59. I reject every nightmare and declare that my dreams will be filled with God’s goodness.
  60. In Jesus’ name, I cancel the power of every evil dream and declare victory in my sleep.

How to Pray and Cancel a Bad Dream

When you have a bad dream, it’s important to pray immediately. Here’s how you can pray and cancel any negative effects of a bad dream:

  1. Recognize the source of the dream: Understand that not all dreams are from God. Some may be attacks from the enemy meant to cause fear or confusion.
  2. Pray with authority: Speak with confidence, knowing that God has given you power over every evil force (Luke 10:19). Use the name of Jesus to cancel the effects of the dream.
  3. Plead the blood of Jesus: The blood of Jesus is a powerful weapon against spiritual attacks. Cover yourself, your home, and your sleep in the blood of Jesus.
  4. Reject fear: Fear is one of the primary tools of the enemy. Speak out loud that you reject fear and embrace God’s peace.
  5. Declare God’s protection: Pray for God’s angels to surround you and guard you while you sleep (Psalm 91:11).
  6. Thank God for victory: End your prayer by thanking God for the victory over the bad dream and for giving you peace and protection.


Prayer against bad dreams is a vital spiritual tool that can help protect your mind and soul from negative influences. By praying these 60 warfare prayers into your routine and knowing how to pray and cancel bad dreams, you can rest peacefully, knowing that God is your protector. Use these prayers to claim victory and ensure that no evil shall disturb your rest.


Read also: 31 Powerful Prayer for the Month of October 2024: Daily Prayers

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