Prayer Points on the Name of the Lord Is a Strong Tower

Prayer Points on the Name of the Lord Is a Strong Tower

One of the most powerful verses in the Bible is Proverbs 18:10 (NKJV), which says, “The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe.” This verse highlights the power and protection found in God’s name. When we call upon His name in faith, we can rest assured of His divine protection. In this post, we will explore powerful prayer points based on this truth.

What Does It Mean That the Name of the Lord Is a Strong Tower?

Before we go into the prayer points, it’s important to understand the significance of this scripture. In ancient times, a tower was a place of safety and refuge. When enemies attacked, people would run into these fortified structures for protection. Similarly, God is our refuge in times of trouble. His name represents His character—He is our healer, provider, protector, and deliverer.

When we declare that the name of the Lord is a strong tower, we are acknowledging God’s strength and our dependence on Him. Through these prayer points, we will stand on this promise and declare God’s protective power over our lives.

Proverbs 18:10: Powerful Prayer Points on the Name of the Lord Is a Strong Tower 

  1. Heavenly Father, I run to Your name, knowing it is a strong tower. Protect me from every danger and hidden trap of the enemy. Surround me with Your shield of protection, and keep me safe under Your care.
  2. Lord, I call upon Your name for guidance in all I do. Lead me through every situation I face today. As I run to You, be the light on my path and show me the way I should go.
  3. Father, I feel weak, but I know Your name is a strong tower. Give me the strength to endure every challenge, and let Your power be made perfect in my weakness.
  4. O Lord, I take refuge in Your name. As I run to You today, hide me from the storms of life. Let Your peace fill my heart, and protect me from harm.
  5. Mighty God, Your name is my strong tower. Deliver me from every attack of the enemy. Rescue me from fear, doubt, and despair, and bring me to a place of safety in Your presence.
  6. Lord, I run to Your name to find peace. In a world full of chaos and worry, I rest in the safety of Your strong tower. Calm my heart and mind, and fill me with Your peace.
  7. Father, I declare that Your name is my strong tower, and I will not fear. Remove every spirit of fear from my life. As I run to You, I find safety and courage.
  8. Lord, I run to You for healing. Your name is a strong tower, and I trust You to heal me from every sickness and disease. Restore my body, soul, and spirit in Your mighty name.
  9. Almighty God, I find confidence in Your name. When I feel uncertain or afraid, remind me that I am safe in Your strong tower. Help me to trust in You and stand firm in faith.
  10. Lord, I call upon Your name to give me strength to overcome every temptation. As I run to You, shield me from the enemy’s traps, and give me the power to resist.
  11. Father, I run to Your name for a breakthrough. Open doors that have been shut, and make a way where there seems to be no way. I trust You to deliver me from every obstacle in my path.
  12. Lord, I lift up my family to You. I ask that Your name be a strong tower over them. Protect them from harm, guide them in Your ways, and keep them safe under Your wings.
  13. Heavenly Father, I seek refuge in Your name for wisdom. Guide me in every decision I make. As I run to You, open my eyes to see Your truth and grant me understanding in all things.
  14. Lord, I run to You for financial provision. You are my source and my provider. Meet my needs according to Your riches in glory, and give me peace as I trust in Your unfailing provision.
  15. Almighty God, Your name is my strong tower. Protect me from every evil plan of the enemy. Keep me from harm and deliver me from every scheme of darkness.
  16. Father, I come to You for emotional healing. In Your strong tower, I find comfort for my wounded heart. Heal every broken part of me and restore my joy and peace.
  17. Lord, I run to You for clarity and direction. In Your name, I seek wisdom and understanding. Help me to see Your plans for my life and guide me in the right direction.
  18. Father, I find strength in Your name during difficult times. As I run to Your strong tower, give me the endurance to persevere through every trial and hardship.
  19. Lord, I call upon Your name for favor. As I seek refuge in You, open doors of opportunity and bless me with favor before man and God.
  20. Heavenly Father, I thank You for being my strong tower. I am grateful for Your protection, love, and grace. I praise Your name for always being my refuge and safe place.

How to Apply These Prayer Points Daily

The name of the Lord is a strong tower that we can rely on each day. To make the most of these prayer points on the name of the Lord is a strong tower, consider the following steps:

  • Start your day in prayer: Begin each morning by calling on the name of the Lord. Ask for His protection and guidance as you go through your day.
  • Memorize key scriptures: Proverbs 18:10, Psalm 91:2, and other Bible verses that remind you of God’s strength and protection are great to keep close to your heart.
  • Personalize your prayers: Add specific concerns or situations into each prayer point. By applying God’s Word to your unique circumstances, you will see His hand at work.
  • Stay consistent in your faith: Regularly meditate on God’s promises and keep declaring that His name is a strong tower in your life.


When we understand the power behind God’s name, we can confidently face any challenge that comes our way. His name is more than just a label—it represents His power, His authority, and His love for us. Through these prayer points on the name of the Lord is a strong tower, you can activate God’s protection, strength, and deliverance in your life.

No matter what storms may come, God is your refuge. Run to Him, and you will always find safety and security in His presence.

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