Prayer Points: Psalm 46:10 – Be Still and Know That I Am God

be still and know that i am god

Psalm 46:10 is one of the most powerful and comforting verses in the Bible. “Be still, and know that I am God” invites believers to pause amidst their chaos and find peace in God’s presence. This verse serves as a reminder to stop striving, trust God’s sovereignty, and rest in His plan. In this post, we’ll explore how to apply Psalm 46:10 in our daily lives through prayer and reflection. We’ll also answer key questions, such as “What does God mean when He says ‘be still and know that I am God’?” and provide practical steps on “How to pray with Psalm 46.”

What Does God Mean When He Says “Be Still and Know That I Am God”?

Psalm 46:10 is both a call to calmness and a declaration of God’s dominion. But what does it mean when God says, “be still and know that I am God”? To understand, it’s important to break down the verse into two parts:

1. Be Still: The word “be still” can be interpreted as more than just physical stillness. It speaks of a mental, emotional, and spiritual quietness. It is a call to stop worrying, to cease our human efforts, and to surrender to God’s control. Being still means trusting in God’s plans, even when we can’t see the outcome or understand the process.

2. Know That I Am God: This is a reminder of God’s unchanging nature, His power, and His authority. Knowing that He is God is an invitation to trust His sovereignty over every aspect of life. It emphasizes that God is above all things, and nothing is outside His control. When we acknowledge God’s supreme authority, it brings peace and confidence.

In times of fear or doubt, the command to “be still and know that I am God” is a call to silence the noise within and around us, to rest in God’s power, and to trust that He has everything under control.

Prayer Points Based on Psalm 46:10

Here are some prayer points you can use, centered on the message of be still and know that I am God:

1. Lord, help me to trust You when I don’t understand what’s happening around me. Teach me to be still and know that You are working for my good.

2. Father, when fear and anxiety overwhelm me, remind me of Your power and presence. Help me to still my heart and mind and trust that You are in control.

3. God, I surrender my desire to control everything. Help me to release my worries to You and find peace in Your sovereignty.

4. Lord, as I quiet myself before You, show me Your will for my life. I trust that You have a purpose for everything I’m going through.

5. Father, help me to be patient and wait for Your timing. I know that You will exalt Yourself in this situation, and I choose to be still in the meantime.

6. Lord, I thank You for the promise of Psalm 46:10. Teach me to be still and know that You are God. In every situation, help me to trust You, rest in Your presence, and believe in Your power. Amen.

How to Pray with Psalm 46

Psalm 46 is filled with promises of protection and reminders of God’s presence. Praying with this psalm can be a powerful way to draw nearer to God during difficult times. Here’s a guide on how to pray with Psalm 46:

1. Read the Entire Psalm Aloud: Begin by reading Psalm 46 aloud. Meditate on each verse and let its words sink into your heart. The psalm starts by declaring, “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” Use this as a reminder that God is with you.

2. Focus on Verse 10: As you read, pause on Psalm 46:10: “Be still and know that I am God.” Let this verse guide your prayer. Take a moment to sit in silence and reflect on what it means for God to be in control of your life.

3. Pray for Stillness: Ask God to quiet your heart and help you surrender your fears, anxieties, and plans to Him. Request His peace to fill you as you trust His sovereignty.

4. Declare God’s Sovereignty: Use the psalm to declare God’s power over your life. Pray that you will trust His plan, even in the midst of trials. Thank Him for being your refuge and strength.

5. End with Praise: Conclude your prayer by praising God for who He is. Acknowledge that He is your protector and provider, and thank Him for the peace He offers.


Psalm 46:10, “Be still and know that I am God,” serves as a profound reminder that God’s power is greater than any challenge we face. By embracing stillness, we open ourselves to trust in God’s plan and experience His peace. Whether in times of uncertainty, stress, or fear, this verse calls us to stop striving and place our faith in the One who holds all things together.

As you use this scripture into your prayers and daily life, remember that being still is not passive—it is an active trust in God’s sovereignty. The more we lean on His strength, the more we experience the truth of His promise: He will be exalted among the nations, and He will be exalted in our lives.


Read also: 30 Powerful Prayers for Long Distance Relationship Success

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