50 Warfare Prayers Against Monitoring Spirits

monitoring spirits

Monitoring spirits are unseen forces or evil agents sent to observe and hinder the progress of individuals. They operate by tracking and gathering information about a person to use against them. These spirits can manifest through different mediums, including people, animals, or even dreams. Warfare prayers are essential for breaking free from their attacks. This post will provide powerful prayers to help you overcome the influence of monitoring spirits in your life.

What are Monitoring Spirits?

Monitoring spirits are demonic forces sent to track a person’s progress, activities, and plans. These spirits aim to delay or prevent success, cause setbacks, and open doors to spiritual attacks. They can work through various channels, including individuals close to you, objects, or even dreams. The Bible references spirits that watch and plot against God’s people, making it important to stay spiritually alert and protect oneself with warfare prayers.

Signs of Monitoring Spirits

Recognizing the presence of monitoring spirits is crucial for spiritual defense. Below are some common signs that you may be under their surveillance:

  1. Unexplained setbacks: If you notice a pattern of hindrances and setbacks just as you are about to succeed, monitoring spirits may be at play.
  2. Recurrent dreams of being watched: Dreaming of animals like cats, owls, or snakes often symbolizes monitoring spirits in the dream realm.
  3. Feeling constantly observed: You may feel an unsettling presence or as if someone is constantly watching you.
  4. Sudden behavioral changes in people close to you: Friends or family members might start acting suspiciously or overly inquisitive about your private life.
  5. Unusual challenges when trying to pray or read the Bible: Monitoring spirits may interfere with your spiritual growth, causing distractions or fatigue during spiritual activities.

50 Warfare Prayers Against Monitoring Spirits

These warfare prayers are designed to break the influence and attacks of monitoring spirits over your life. Speak them with authority and faith, trusting God to deliver you.

  1. Father, in the name of Jesus, I break every monitoring spirit assigned against my life and family.
  2. I cover myself with the blood of Jesus and declare that no evil shall monitor my steps.
  3. Every evil eye watching my progress, be blinded by the fire of the Holy Spirit.
  4. I command every spiritual surveillance set against me to be destroyed in Jesus’ name.
  5. Lord, expose and scatter all agents of monitoring spirits operating against me.
  6. By the power of God, I block every access monitoring spirits have to my life.
  7. I cancel every evil plan that monitoring spirits have gathered against me.
  8. Let the thunder of God destroy every evil mirror being used to monitor my destiny.
  9. In the name of Jesus, I send confusion into the camp of all monitoring spirits working against me.
  10. Lord, cover my family with Your protective shield against monitoring spirits.
  11. I command every monitoring agent using animals to track me to be consumed by fire.
  12. I declare that no weapon formed against me by monitoring spirits shall prosper.
  13. Let every evil spiritual informant in my environment be silenced in Jesus’ name.
  14. Father, I ask for divine protection against any monitoring spirit attempting to access my finances.
  15. I nullify the effects of all monitoring spirits sent to gather information about my future.
  16. I sever all ties between me and any monitoring spirits assigned to disrupt my peace.
  17. Let all demonic cameras set up to monitor my household be destroyed by fire.
  18. I declare freedom from the bondage of monitoring spirits sent to oppress me.
  19. Every dream involving monitoring spirits, I cancel it in the name of Jesus.
  20. I command every familiar spirit tracking my movements to be consumed by fire.
  21. Lord, send Your angels to encamp around me and my family, keeping us safe from monitoring spirits.
  22. I declare that my mind is protected from the infiltration of monitoring spirits.
  23. Every evil altar set up to track my progress, be consumed by the fire of God.
  24. Father, I pray for divine wisdom to recognize and overcome the influence of monitoring spirits.
  25. Let every spiritual barrier placed to block my success be broken in Jesus’ name.
  26. I cut off every connection between me and any agent of monitoring spirits in the physical or spiritual realm.
  27. In the name of Jesus, I declare my dreams and visions are sealed from monitoring spirits.
  28. Lord, protect my workplace and finances from the eyes of monitoring spirits.
  29. Every source of monitoring information about my life, be destroyed in the name of Jesus.
  30. Father, release Your divine judgment upon any witchcraft powers using monitoring spirits against me.
  31. I declare that I am covered under the shadow of the Almighty and no evil shall prevail against me.
  32. Every monitoring spirit operating through individuals around me, be exposed and cast out.
  33. I block every form of spiritual communication between monitoring spirits and their agents concerning my life.
  34. In the name of Jesus, I declare my ministry and purpose shielded from monitoring spirits.
  35. Let the blood of Jesus wipe out every record kept by monitoring spirits against me.
  36. I command all monitoring spirits tracking my progress to be sent into confusion and disarray.
  37. Lord, release Your fire upon every device used by monitoring spirits against me.
  38. I cancel every assignment of monitoring spirits to bring failure into my life.
  39. I declare my spiritual life is invisible to the powers of darkness and monitoring spirits.
  40. Father, I ask for complete protection over my children and loved ones from monitoring spirits.
  41. Let every evil gathering to monitor my life be scattered by the power of God.
  42. I revoke the access of all monitoring spirits to my finances, career, and relationships.
  43. I command every demonic agent using monitoring spirits to fail in their mission against me.
  44. Lord, let every evil shadow following me be consumed by Your light.
  45. I declare victory over all spiritual forces monitoring my destiny in the name of Jesus.
  46. Let the plans of monitoring spirits against my future be completely destroyed by fire.
  47. Every agent of monitoring spirits in my community, be exposed and cast out in Jesus’ name.
  48. Lord, grant me divine insight to detect and dismantle all monitoring operations against me.
  49. I declare that I am hidden in Christ and no monitoring spirit can find me.
  50. Father, I receive freedom from the bondage of monitoring spirits and claim total victory in Jesus’ name.

Bible Verses About Monitoring Spirits

The Bible provides several verses that address the actions of evil forces keeping watch over the lives of God’s people. Here are some powerful verses that can be used in prayer:

  • Psalm 56:6 – “They gather themselves together, they hide themselves, they mark my steps, when they wait for my soul.”
  • Psalm 37:32 – “The wicked watches for the righteous and seeks to slay him.”
  • Isaiah 54:17 – “No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue which rises against you in judgment you shall condemn.”
  • Psalm 121:7-8 – “The Lord will keep you from all harm—He will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.”
  • 2 Kings 6:17 – “And Elisha prayed, ‘Open his eyes, Lord, so that he may see.’ Then the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.”


Monitoring spirits can be persistent, but with faith, persistent prayer, and knowledge of God’s Word, you can defeat them. Through these warfare prayers and biblical principles, you are equipped to resist the attacks of monitoring spirits and live in freedom.

Keep your faith strong, remain in constant communication with God, and trust in His power to protect you from these unseen forces.


Read also: 50 Powerful Warfare Prayer Points Against Marine Spirits

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