40 Helpful Prayers for Anxiety

prayer for anxiety

Anxiety can be overwhelming, but turning to prayer can provide comfort and peace. If you’re dealing with anxious thoughts, connecting with God can help you find strength and calm. In this post, we will share 40 helpful prayers for anxiety, along with key insights on how to bring your worries before God. These prayers can offer relief, reminding you of God’s presence in challenging moments.

40 Helpful Prayer for Anxiety

  1. Lord, I ask for Your peace to calm my anxious heart. Fill me with Your spirit of serenity and trust.
  2. Heavenly Father, help me to trust in You completely, knowing that You hold my future in Your hands.
  3. God, grant me strength in times of anxiety. Help me stand firm and rely on Your power.
  4. Lord, calm the storms of my mind and bring clarity to my thoughts. Help me rest in You.
  5. Father, I surrender my worries to You. Take my anxiety and replace it with Your peace.
  6. God, guide me through my anxious thoughts and lead me toward solutions that bring comfort.
  7. Lord, give me the courage to face my fears and walk confidently in Your love.
  8. Heavenly Father, help me to rest in Your promises and find comfort in Your care.
  9. Increase my faith, Lord, so that I may trust in You and let go of my anxiety.
  10. God, I ask for relief from the burdens of anxiety. Let Your peace wash over me.
  11. Lord, in the midst of my anxiety, remind me of the hope I have in You.
  12. Heavenly Father, heal my anxious mind and restore me to peace.
  13. God, protect me from thoughts that stir up anxiety, and fill me with Your comfort.
  14. Father, give me clear vision and help me see beyond my current fears.
  15. Lord, teach me patience in moments of anxiety, knowing that Your timing is perfect.
  16. God, comfort me as I navigate through anxious moments. Let Your love wrap around me.
  17. Lord, still my heart and quiet my mind. Help me to be still and know that You are God.
  18. Heavenly Father, help me to focus on the blessings in my life instead of my worries.
  19. Lord, direct my focus toward You and away from the things that cause anxiety.
  20. God, help me balance my emotions and bring harmony to my mind.
  21. Father, help me to release my fears and trust in Your plan for me.
  22. Lord, give me the wisdom to handle anxious thoughts with faith and confidence.
  23. God, in the midst of anxiety, help me find joy in Your presence.
  24. Father, fill my mind with Your peace and remove the anxiety that clouds my thoughts.
  25. Lord, help me remain faithful to You even when anxiety tries to take hold.
  26. God, build my confidence in You, knowing that You are bigger than my fears.
  27. Lord, help me understand Your ways, even when I don’t understand why I’m feeling anxious.
  28. Heavenly Father, encourage my heart and help me find strength in You during anxious times.
  29. Lord, let positive thoughts replace my anxious ones, as I trust in Your goodness.
  30. God, shine Your light in the darkness of my anxiety and lead me toward peace.
  31. Father, renew my spirit, washing away anxiety, and filling me with fresh hope.
  32. Lord, show me how to be compassionate with myself in moments of worry and doubt.
  33. God, help me overcome my anxieties by trusting that You are in control of all things.
  34. Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change and the peace to trust in You.
  35. Father, stabilize my emotions and thoughts, keeping me grounded in Your truth.
  36. Lord, remind me of Your promises. Assure me that I am not alone in my struggles with anxiety.
  37. God, give me a clear sense of purpose that helps me focus beyond my anxious feelings.
  38. Lord, help me trust in Your plan, knowing that You work all things for my good.
  39. Father, give me the ability to comfort others who are struggling with anxiety as You comfort me.
  40. Lord, let Your peace remain in my heart, even when the storms of anxiety rage around me.

How Do I Let God Take My Anxiety?

Letting God take your anxiety begins with surrender. It requires faith and trust in His plan, even when it’s difficult to see the outcome. To allow God to take control, start by praying and asking for His help. Present your fears and worries to Him in prayer and trust that He will provide relief. Reflect on Philippians 4:6-7, which encourages us not to be anxious but to pray about everything. God’s peace can fill your heart when you actively give your anxiety over to Him.

How to Pray to Stop Worrying?

When praying to stop worrying, it’s essential to focus on God’s promises. You can use scripture-based prayers to remind yourself of His faithfulness. Here’s a simple prayer for anxiety:

  • Lord, I give You my worries. Help me stop focusing on what I cannot control and trust in Your plan. Fill me with peace, knowing that You are with me in every situation. I release my anxiety to You, trusting that You are working everything for my good.

Combining faith and scripture with your prayers can help calm your mind and ease your anxiety. Verses like Matthew 6:34, which tells us not to worry about tomorrow, are perfect for moments of doubt.

What Psalm Is for Anxiety Prayer?

Psalm 94:19 is often used in prayers for anxiety:

When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy.

This verse speaks to the heart of how God comforts us during anxious moments. Another powerful psalm for anxiety is Psalm 23. Its message of God leading us through dark valleys can bring peace and reassurance when life feels overwhelming. Psalm 46:10, which says, “Be still, and know that I am God,” is also a great reminder to let go of control and trust in Him.


Anxiety can feel like a heavy burden, but prayer is a powerful way to find relief. These 40 helpful prayers for anxiety can guide you through moments of worry, helping you shift your focus back to God’s love and promises. Whether you’re seeking peace, strength, or surrender, remember that God is always ready to listen and provide comfort. Let these prayers be a reminder that you don’t have to carry your anxiety alone—God is with you every step of the way.


Read also: 50 Healing Prayers for Anxiety and Depression

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