30 Powerful Warfare Prayers Against Enchantment and Divination

Prayers against enchantment and divination

As believers, enchantment and divination are practices that oppose God’s will, leading people away from the truth. The Bible clearly warns against these forms of occultism, reminding us to rely on the Lord’s power and wisdom rather than on dark spiritual practices. A powerful verse that highlights the importance of protection from enchantment and divination is found in Numbers 23:23 (KJV): “Surely there is no enchantment against Jacob, neither is there any divination against Israel: according to this time it shall be said of Jacob and of Israel, What hath God wrought!” This verse reassures believers that God’s protection is above any form of sorcery or spiritual manipulation. Through prayers against enchantment and divination, Christians can break spiritual strongholds and maintain their connection with God.

Difference Between Enchantment and Divination

Enchantment and divination are both spiritual practices condemned in the Bible, but they serve different purposes in occultism. Enchantment refers to the use of magical spells or incantations to manipulate situations, objects, or people. This could include charm-based witchcraft or curses spoken with the intent to harm or deceive.

Divination, on the other hand, is the practice of seeking hidden knowledge or predicting the future by supernatural means, often through the help of spirits or mediums. Examples of divination include tarot card readings, astrology, and seeking omens.

The key difference between the two is that enchantment focuses on altering reality through spells, while divination attempts to unveil hidden truths or the future. Both practices, however, are forms of rebellion against God’s authority. Deuteronomy 18:10-12 specifically warns us about engaging in these practices, calling them abominations before the Lord.

In the Bible, enchantment is closely linked to sorcery, witchcraft, and idolatry. These practices often involve invoking the power of other gods or using charms and rituals to bring about desired outcomes. Throughout Scripture, enchantment is condemned because it leads people to rely on forces other than God. For instance, in Isaiah 47:12 (KJV), the prophet mocks Babylon for relying on enchantments: “Stand now with thine enchantments, and with the multitude of thy sorceries, wherein thou hast labored from thy youth.”

Enchantment in biblical terms is not just a harmless superstition; it’s a spiritual offense that opens individuals to the influence of evil spirits. Christians are called to reject all forms of enchantment, trusting in God’s protection and guidance alone.

Why Believers Should Pray Against Enchantment and Divination

The Bible is filled with warnings against consulting mediums, practicing divination, and relying on enchantments. These practices invite demonic forces into our lives, often disguised as “harmless” or “fun” activities. Whether it’s through horoscopes, charms, or seemingly innocent spiritual readings, these forms of enchantment and divination are doorways for spiritual manipulation.

As believers, prayers against enchantment and divination are essential in guarding against spiritual attacks. Ephesians 6:12 (NIV) reminds us that “our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” Through these prayers, believers can break free from any hidden influences and live in the liberty of Christ.

30 Prayer Points Against Enchantment and Divination

  1. Father, I thank You for Your protection over my life.
  2. Lord, I come against every enchantment aimed at my life in the name of Jesus.
  3. By the power of the Holy Spirit, I cancel every divination spoken against me.
  4. I declare that no enchantment or divination shall prevail over my family.
  5. Lord, reveal to me any hidden influences of enchantment around me.
  6. In the name of Jesus, I break every curse of enchantment in my lineage.
  7. Holy Spirit, shield me from any form of spiritual manipulation.
  8. Father, I plead the blood of Jesus over every area of my life as protection against divination.
  9. I destroy every spell cast against my health in Jesus’ name.
  10. Lord, confuse the plans of those who use enchantments against me.
  11. I declare freedom from every diviner’s scheme by the blood of Jesus.
  12. I break free from any spiritual bondages caused by enchantments in Jesus’ name.
  13. Father, let Your light expose any work of darkness around me.
  14. I reject every prediction from false prophets in Jesus’ name.
  15. In the name of Jesus, I cut off every soul tie with practitioners of divination.
  16. Lord, grant me the strength to resist temptations that lead to enchantments.
  17. I declare that I am under God’s protection, and no weapon formed against me shall prosper.
  18. I renounce every charm or amulet connected to my name or household.
  19. Holy Spirit, give me the wisdom to discern false spiritual practices.
  20. I plead the blood of Jesus against every familiar spirit sent to monitor me.
  21. Lord, surround me with Your divine hedge of protection.
  22. By Your power, Lord, cancel every evil prophecy spoken over my life.
  23. I stand firm in my identity in Christ and reject all forms of divination.
  24. Lord, protect my dreams from spiritual attacks through enchantment.
  25. I nullify every effect of divination on my career and finances in Jesus’ name.
  26. Father, let Your fire consume all enchantments and spells targeted at me.
  27. I declare that my home is a sanctuary for God’s presence, free from all occult practices.
  28. Lord, guide me away from people and places that practice enchantment and divination.
  29. I release myself from any spiritual manipulation over my thoughts and decisions.
  30. Father, may Your truth always guide me and keep me from spiritual deception.

How to Break the Power of Enchantment and Divination

Breaking the power of enchantment and divination involves deep spiritual commitment and fervent prayer. One of the most effective ways to do this is through the name of Jesus Christ, who has all authority over every power and principality (Philippians 2:9-11). Christians are encouraged to renounce any involvement in these practices, whether knowingly or unknowingly, and declare Jesus’ lordship over every aspect of their lives.

Prayers against enchantment and divination should also include asking the Holy Spirit to reveal any hidden areas where such practices might have a hold. It’s important to pray for discernment and spiritual clarity to identify any spiritual strongholds that need to be broken.


Prayers against enchantment and divination are vital for maintaining spiritual purity and protection. By rejecting occult practices and calling on the power of Jesus, believers can break free from the spiritual bonds that seek to control their lives. These prayers bring peace, restoration, and a renewed focus on God’s truth, ensuring that no form of spiritual manipulation can prosper. Always remember, as Numbers 23:23 reminds us, that no enchantment or divination can succeed against those who belong to God.


Read also: Spiritual Protection Prayer: 20 Warfare Prayers for Protection

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