35 Prayer Points for Breakthrough in Difficult Times

prayer points

Life often presents challenges that test our strength, faith, and resilience. In such moments, prayer becomes a powerful tool for drawing strength and seeking divine intervention. Whether you’re facing personal struggles, financial hardship, health issues, or emotional turmoil, specific prayer points can help guide your conversations with God and invite His intervention into your situation. These prayer points for breakthrough can ignite hope and encourage a shift toward positive change, reminding us that we are never alone in our struggles.

Understanding Breakthrough in Difficult Times

Before we dive into the 35 powerful prayer points, it’s essential to understand what we mean by breakthrough. A breakthrough can be a moment of clarity, victory over a challenge, or the provision of a need. It’s an answer to prayer that changes the course of a difficult situation. It can come in many forms, such as:

  • A sudden change in circumstances
  • Spiritual or emotional healing
  • Financial provision or opportunities
  • Resolution of long-standing conflicts or challenges

For believers, a breakthrough signifies that God’s hand is at work, creating a path where there was none. It often brings peace, guidance, and deliverance.

How to Pray for Breakthrough

When praying for a breakthrough, it’s important to approach God with faith, knowing that He hears your cries and is able to turn impossible situations around. Here are some tips for praying effectively during difficult times:

  • Be specific: Identify the area in your life where you need a breakthrough.
  • Pray with faith: Trust that God is able to do what you are asking.
  • Be persistent: Don’t give up. Continue to pray until the breakthrough comes.
  • Align your heart with God’s will: Pray that God’s will is done in your situation.
  • Thank God in advance: Even before the breakthrough happens, give thanks for His faithfulness.

With these in mind, let’s look at 35 powerful prayer points that you can use as a guide when seeking a breakthrough in difficult times.

35 Prayer Points for Breakthrough in Difficult Times

1. Prayer for Divine Strength

Lord, in this time of difficulty, I ask for Your divine strength. Help me remain strong and faithful, knowing that You are my source of strength.

2. Prayer for Direction

Father, I seek Your guidance. Lead me through this challenging situation and show me the path that leads to my breakthrough.

3. Prayer for Peace in Difficult Times

Lord, I ask for Your peace in the midst of my storm. Help me remain calm and trust You, even when everything seems uncertain.

4. Prayer for Financial Breakthrough

God, You are my provider. I pray for a financial breakthrough during these hard times. Open doors of provision and let abundance flow into my life.

5. Prayer for Hope

Father, restore my hope as I wait for my breakthrough. Help me to see beyond my current struggles and trust that You are working on my behalf.

6. Prayer for Perseverance

Lord, grant me the grace to persevere through these difficult times. Help me to stay the course and not give up before my breakthrough arrives.

7. Prayer for Deliverance from Fear

God, I come against every spirit of fear in my life. Deliver me from anxiety and fill me with the courage to face each day with faith.

8. Prayer for Provision in Lack

Father, I ask for provision in this time of need. You are the God of abundance, and I trust You to supply all my needs according to Your riches in glory.

9. Prayer for Restoration

Lord, I pray for restoration in every area of my life that has been affected by these difficult times. Restore my peace, joy, and strength.

10. Prayer for Open Doors

Father, open doors of opportunity that will lead to my breakthrough. Let no obstacle stand in the way of Your plans for me.

11. Prayer for Wisdom

God, grant me wisdom to navigate through these difficult circumstances. Help me make decisions that align with Your will and bring about my breakthrough.

12. Prayer for Strength to Overcome

Lord, give me the strength to overcome every obstacle that stands between me and my breakthrough. I declare victory over every challenge in my life.

13. Prayer for Healing

Father, I ask for healing—physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Heal every wound and restore me to wholeness, so I can experience breakthrough in every area.

14. Prayer for God’s Favor

Lord, I pray for Your favor in this season of difficulty. Let Your favor surround me and bring opportunities for breakthrough in unexpected ways.

15. Prayer for Breakthrough in My Career

God, I pray for a breakthrough in my career. Open new doors of promotion, success, and fulfillment in my professional life.

16. Prayer for Victory Over Challenges

Lord, I declare victory over every challenge I face in this difficult season. No weapon formed against me shall prosper, and I will overcome in Your name.

17. Prayer for Divine Intervention

Father, I call upon You for divine intervention. Step into my situation and bring the miraculous breakthrough that only You can provide.

18. Prayer for Breakthrough in Relationships

Lord, I pray for breakthrough in strained relationships. Bring healing and restoration, and let peace and understanding flow.

19. Prayer for God’s Will

Father, let Your will be done in my life. Even in this difficult time, align my heart with Your purpose and help me trust Your plan for my breakthrough.

20. Prayer for Breakthrough in Finances

God, I lift my financial struggles to You. Provide me with the resources and opportunities to break free from debt and financial hardship.

21. Prayer for Peace of Mind

Lord, give me peace of mind as I wait for my breakthrough. Help me to cast all my cares upon You and trust that You will make a way.

22. Prayer for Strength in Weakness

Father, in my moments of weakness, be my strength. Help me to lean on You, knowing that Your power is made perfect in my weakness.

23. Prayer for Courage to Move Forward

God, give me the courage to move forward, even when the future is uncertain. Help me to take steps of faith toward my breakthrough.

24. Prayer for Deliverance from Oppression

Lord, I pray for deliverance from every form of oppression. Break every chain that has held me back and set me free to experience Your breakthrough.

25. Prayer for God’s Timing

Father, help me to trust in Your perfect timing. Even when the breakthrough seems delayed, give me the patience to wait on You.

26. Prayer for Breakthrough in Family

Lord, I pray for breakthrough in my family. Restore peace, unity, and love in our home, and remove every source of conflict and strife.

27. Prayer for Strength to Endure

God, I ask for the strength to endure these tough times. Help me to hold on to my faith and trust that You will bring me through.

28. Prayer for Breakthrough in Business

Lord, I pray for a breakthrough in my business. Grant me favor and success, and help me overcome every challenge in my entrepreneurial journey.

29. Prayer for Freedom from Worry

Father, help me to let go of worry and anxiety. Fill my heart with faith and confidence, knowing that You are in control.

30. Prayer for God’s Guidance

God, I ask for Your guidance in every decision I need to make during this difficult time. Lead me in the path that will bring about my breakthrough.

31. Prayer for Breakthrough in Health

Lord, I ask for a breakthrough in my health. Heal my body and restore me to full strength, that I may continue to serve You and live in Your purpose.

32. Prayer for Divine Breakthrough

Father, I call upon You for a divine breakthrough. Let the impossible become possible in my life, and let Your power be seen through my testimony.

33. Prayer for Strength to Keep Believing

God, give me the strength to keep believing in the face of adversity. Help me to hold on to Your promises and trust that my breakthrough is on the way.

34. Prayer for God’s Mercy

Lord, I ask for Your mercy during these challenging times. Let Your mercy open doors that were once closed and lead me into my breakthrough.

35. Prayer for Gratitude in the Struggle

Father, help me to maintain a heart of gratitude, even in the struggle. Thank You for sustaining me, and I trust that my breakthrough is near.


When you are in the midst of difficult times, it can feel like a breakthrough is impossible. But with persistent faith and prayer, God will step in and change your situation. These prayer points will help guide you as you seek God’s intervention and breakthrough in every area of your life. Keep praying, keep believing, and trust that God is working behind the scenes to bring you out of the storm and into victory.


Read also: 20+ Powerful Bible Verses About Not Giving Up

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