30 Dangerous Prayers to Get My Husband Back

Dangerous prayer to get my husband back

Marriage is a sacred bond, and when challenges arise, it can cause immense pain and heartache. If your husband has left or there is a separation between the two of you, turning to prayer can be a powerful way to seek restoration. In this blog, we will explore 30 dangerous prayers to get your husband back, offering strength, hope, and divine intervention for those seeking to rebuild their marriage. Whether you are dealing with infidelity, emotional distance, or any other challenge, these prayers are designed to fight spiritual battles and restore your union.

What Is the Powerful Prayer to Bring My Husband Back?

When praying for the return of your husband, it’s important to approach with sincerity and faith. A powerful prayer should reflect your heart’s desires while trusting that God will intervene in the situation. One such prayer is:

  • Heavenly Father, I come before You with a heavy heart, asking for Your intervention in my marriage. Lord, I ask You to soften my husband’s heart and remind him of the love we shared. Father, remove any negative influences or temptations that may be drawing him away from me. Lord, I believe in Your power to restore what is broken. Please guide my husband back to me, restoring love, peace, and harmony in our marriage. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

This prayer asks for divine protection and guidance over your husband’s mind and heart. It acknowledges God’s role in softening hearts and eliminating distractions or temptations that may be affecting the relationship.

30 Dangerous Prayers to Get My Husband Back

Here are 30 dangerous prayers you can use when asking God to restore your marriage and bring your husband back:

  1. Father, I ask that You restore everything that has been lost in my marriage. Revive the love and passion that once existed and bring my husband back in the name of Jesus.
  2. Lord, I break every spirit of separation and divorce that has come into my marriage. I declare that no weapon formed against my marriage will prosper.
  3. Lord, I ask You to remove any temptations or distractions leading my husband away from our marriage. Shield him from anything that tries to pull him away from our home.
  4. God, I ask for the strength to forgive my husband for any wrongs he has committed, and I pray that he may also forgive me. Heal our hearts and bring us back together.
  5. Father, I rebuke any negative influence—whether it be people, spirits, or circumstances—that is trying to destroy my marriage.
  6. God, open the lines of communication between my husband and me. Remove any walls of pride, hurt, or misunderstanding that stand between us.
  7. Lord, give both my husband and me hearts of humility, that we may be able to listen, learn, and love each other without pride or ego getting in the way.
  8. I declare that love will rule my marriage and cast out any fear, doubt, or insecurity. Lord, fill our hearts with Your perfect love.
  9. God, heal any wounds in my husband’s heart that may be causing him to pull away from our relationship. Let Your healing touch bring him back.
  10. Lord, rekindle the romance and connection between my husband and me. Let us remember the joy and passion we once had for each other.
  11. I destroy any spirit of confusion that is blinding my husband from seeing the truth about our love and our covenant with each other.
  12. Father, I break any ungodly soul ties my husband may have formed with anyone outside our marriage. I declare his heart and mind belong only to me and You.
  13. Lord, I pray that You protect my husband’s mind from lies, deceit, or any falsehoods that may lead him away from our marriage.
  14. Lord, grant me patience as I wait for Your timing in bringing my husband back to me. Help me trust Your process.
  15. I declare unity in my marriage, that nothing will be able to tear us apart. What God has joined together, no man shall separate.
  16. Lord, lead my husband to repentance if he has strayed from Your ways. Guide him back to You and our family.
  17. In the name of Jesus, I reclaim my marriage from the hands of the enemy. I declare restoration and love will prevail.
  18. Father, I pray for faithfulness in my marriage. Keep my husband devoted to me and me alone.
  19. I bind the spirit of divorce and declare that it will have no place in my home.
  20. Lord, wherever my husband is, touch his heart and remind him of the love we share. Bring him back home to me.
  21. Lord, guide my husband back to Your truth and back to me. Give him clarity and wisdom in his decisions.
  22. God, restore trust between my husband and me. Help us rebuild what has been broken.
  23. Father, I ask that our love would grow stronger than ever before, that we may cherish each other more deeply.
  24. I cancel every plan and scheme of the enemy to destroy my marriage in the name of Jesus.
  25. Lord, give us both the strength to reconcile and move forward in love and peace.
  26. Father, I call upon You for divine intervention. Bring my husband back through Your mighty hand.
  27. I declare protection over my marriage. No external force will destroy the bond we have.
  28. Lord, soften my husband’s heart and make him receptive to our reconciliation.
  29. Father, I break any spell, curse, or enchantment that may be working against my marriage in Jesus’ name.
  30. God of miracles, I call on You to perform a miracle in my marriage and bring my husband back to me.

What Is the Most Powerful Prayer for Marriage Restoration?

Marriage restoration prayers are designed to call on God’s healing, forgiveness, and reconciliation. A highly powerful prayer for marriage restoration includes:

  • Lord, I surrender my marriage into Your hands. I ask that You heal every wound, every wrong, and every hurt that has damaged our relationship. Lord, remove any pride or stubbornness from both of us and help us forgive each other completely. I believe that with You, nothing is impossible, and I trust that You will bring restoration to our marriage in Jesus’ name. Amen.

This prayer emphasizes surrendering the marriage into God’s control, asking for healing, humility, and forgiveness. Trusting God for the impossible can pave the way for reconciliation.


Using these 30 dangerous prayer to get my husband back, you are engaging in spiritual warfare, seeking divine intervention to restore your marriage. As you pray, keep faith that God hears your requests and is working on your behalf. These prayers offer protection, healing, and the power to break any obstacles that may be standing in the way of your marriage’s restoration.

Never underestimate the power of prayer when it comes to fighting for your marriage. Trust God, and allow Him to work in your situation, knowing that He has the ability to bring your husband back and restore what was once broken.


Read also: 30 Warfare Prayers Against Sin and Temptation

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