Midnight Prayer: 50 Midnight Prayer Points Against Delay

midnight prayer

Delay can be one of the most frustrating and faith-testing experiences. Whether you are waiting on your breakthrough in finances, marriage, career, childbirth, or any other area of life, extended delays can leave you feeling discouraged and doubtful. However, the Bible assures us that God is never late, and His timing is always perfect (Ecclesiastes 3:11). One powerful way to break through delay is through midnight prayer. In this blog post, we’ll explore 50 anointed midnight prayer points against delay, backed by biblical examples and scriptures.

The Power of Midnight Prayer

Throughout the Bible, we see numerous instances of people encountering God and receiving breakthroughs during the night or midnight hours (Psalm 119:62). From Jacob wrestling with the angel (Genesis 32:24-28) to Paul and Silas being freed from prison after praying at midnight (Acts 16:25-26), midnight prayer carries a special anointing for breakthrough.

Biblical Examples of Breaking Delay Through Prayer

  1. Hannah (1 Samuel 1): After years of delay in childbearing, Hannah poured out her heart to God in fervent prayer, and He opened her womb, blessing her with the prophet Samuel.
  2. Abraham and Sarah (Genesis 18:10-14): Although their promise of a child was delayed for decades, God ultimately fulfilled His word when they continued to believe and pray.
  3. The Syrophoenician Woman (Mark 7:24-30): This Gentile woman persisted in prayer until Jesus delivered her daughter from an unclean spirit, breaking the delay.

50 Midnight Prayer Points Against Delay

  1. I decree and declare that every chain of delay holding back my progress be broken in the name of Jesus. (Romans 8:2)
  2. Father, thank You for Your perfect timing in my life. Help me to trust in Your ways, even when I cannot understand the delays (Proverbs 3:5-6).
  3. Lord, I bring before You every area of my life where I have experienced delay. Reveal and uproot any spiritual forces behind these delays, in Jesus’ name (Ephesians 6:12).
  4. I rebuke and break every curse, spell, and incantation of delay over my life, family, and destiny, in the mighty name of Jesus (Galatians 3:13).
  5. Any power assigned to inflict delay in my life, be rendered impotent by the blood of Jesus (Revelation 12:11).
  6. I cancel every tormenting spirit of delay and stagnation, by the superior blood of the Lamb (1 John 1:7).
  7. Lord, let the resurrection power that raised Christ from the dead bring an end to every delay in my life (Romans 8:11).
  8. I decree and declare that every delay designed to truncate my destiny shall be turned into a testimony, in Jesus’ name (Job 14:7).
  9. Any obstacle or opposition standing in the way of my next level, be removed and dismantled by the power of the Holy Ghost (Isaiah 40:4).
  10. O Lord, wake me up from any slumber that has kept me in a cycle of delay. I refuse to remain stagnant (Romans 13:11).
  11. Powers transferring delay, borrowing it, camping it in my life, I bury you today by the power in the blood of Jesus (Revelation 12:11).
  12. I pull down every stronghold of delay mounted against the manifestation of my dreams and expectations (2 Corinthians 10:4).
  13. Lord, surround me with Your angels of breakthrough and scatter every force of delay in my path (Psalm 91:11).
  14. By the power of the Holy Spirit, I uproot any seed of delay that the enemy has planted in my life (Matthew 15:13).
  15. I command every closed door, roadblock, and obstacle of delay to be flung open by the power of God (Psalm 24:7).
  16. Lord, baptize me again with Your fire that consumes every delay and propels me into my divine season of fruitfulness (Luke 3:16).
  17. I break the generational curse of delay that has plagued my family line, in the mighty name of Jesus (Galatians 3:13-14).
  18. Arrows of delay fired into my life by satanic agents, I command you to backfire by the blood of the Lamb (Psalm 91:5).
  19. I cancel every enchantment, divination, and witchcraft orchestrating delay and stagnation in my life situation (Deuteronomy 18:10-12).
  20. Delay is far from me; God’s appointed time for my turnaround has come. I refuse to be denied (Habakkuk 2:3).
  21. By the power of the Holy Ghost, I uproot every root and foundation of delay in my life, family, and destiny (Matthew 15:13).
  22. I break the chains and snares of delay holding me and my family members back from our next level of glory (Psalm 124:7).
  23. Lord, baptize me with the spirit of urgency and acceleration to recover every lost, delayed opportunity (Joel 2:23).
  24. I disconnect my life, destiny, and family from every cycle of delay and stagnation, in Jesus’ mighty name (Psalm 37:23-24).
  25. I release the fire of God to consume every garment and identity of delay that the enemy has clothed me with (Isaiah 61:3).
  26. Lord, remember me for breakthrough like You remembered Hannah and Sarah, as I wait upon You for my appointed time of fruitfulness (1 Samuel 1, Genesis 21:1-2).
  27. Oh God, arise and silence every voice and propaganda of delay targeted at discouraging my faith and expectations (Psalm 94:16).
  28. Lord, pour upon me a fresh anointing that will make a way for me, even where there seems to be no way out of delay (Isaiah 43:19).
  29. I drink from the river of life that flows from the throne of God, and I am revived and positioned for newness of life beyond delay (Revelation 22:1).
  30. Almighty God, dispatch Your rod of affliction and judgment against every camp, coven, and household of delay militating against my destiny (Psalm 23:4).
  31. I refuse to be distracted or entangled by the weights and snares of delay. Lord, help me to run with patience (Hebrews 12:1).
  32. Lord, deploy Your angelic hosts to wage war against every power sabotaging my efforts and inflicting delay in areas I should be making progress (Psalm 35:5-6).
  33. From the rising of the sun to the going down of the same, I declare that every delay in my life has come to its expiry date (Psalm 113:3).
  34. Doors that have remained shut in my life, be opened by the key of David, and every crooked path be made straight, in Jesus’ name (Isaiah 45:2, Revelation 3:7).
  35. By the blood of Jesus that speaks better things than the blood of Abel, I reverse every curse of delay that has spoken against my life (Hebrews 12:24).
  36. Oh Lord, show me the ancient paths and lead me in the way everlasting, far away from every path of delay and stagnation (Jeremiah 6:16).
  37. Every power using my destiny to lengthen their camping season, I unseat and dethrone you by the superior power of the Holy Ghost (Acts 19:13-16).
  38. I take authority over every ruling spirit directing satanic agents to frustrate my efforts and keep me in a cycle of delay (Ephesians 6:12).
  39. Powers assigning and releasing demons of delay against my life and family, I neutralize your wicked utterances by the power in the blood of Jesus (Revelation 12:11).
  40. I break the backbone of every stubborn, lingering spirit of delay, in the mighty name of Jesus. You will not prolong your stay in my life (Mark 16:17).
  41. Lord, pour upon me the Spirit of wisdom and revelation to recognize and confront every delaying tactic and trick of the enemy (Ephesians 1:17).
  42. I refuse to succumb to the discouragement and hopelessness that the spirit of delay tries to inflict. My faith and joy in the Lord remain steadfast (Habakkuk 3:17-19).
  43. Lord, empower me with the spirit of relentlessness, so I may contend, wrestle, and prevail over every force keeping me in delay, just like Jacob (Genesis 32:24-28).
  44. I call forth the divine acceleration that will make up for the years and opportunities that the forces of delay have stolen from me (Joel 2:25).
  45. Powers sitting on my destiny to prolong my season of delay, be scattered by the thunderous voice of the Lord (Psalm 29:3-9).
  46. I take authority over every spirit of delay released against me through ungodly covenants, agreements, or exposure, and I break their influence by the blood (1 John 1:7).
  47. I decree the resurrection power of Christ over any area of my life that has laid dormant or stagnant due to the forces of delay (Romans 8:11).
  48. Lord, overturn every legal ground, pronouncement, or judgment that the kingdom of darkness has used to perpetuate delay in my life (Colossians 2:14-15).
  49. I silence the voice of the accuser, the one who has constantly reminded me of my delays, hoping to plunge me into despondency (Revelation 12:10-11).
  50. Powerful prayers to combat delay (keyword). Lord, let Your word that breaks open paths come to pass in my life as I put an end to all delays, in Jesus’ mighty name (2 Samuel 22:30).


Remember, delay is not denial. As you consistently and fervently pray these midnight prayer points against delay, hold fast to your faith, and trust in God’s perfect timing. He who promised is faithful, and He will bring His word to pass in your life. Stay encouraged, and keep pressing forward in prayer until you see your breakthrough manifest.

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