50 Intercessory Prayers for the Church

Intercessory prayers for the church

Intercessory prayers for the church are a powerful way to support the spiritual well-being of the congregation. Through these prayers, we can ask God to protect, guide, and bless our church leaders, members, and ministries. These prayers also help build a stronger connection within the church community as we come together in faith.

Here, we offer 50 intercessory prayers for the church, designed to inspire and guide your prayers as you seek God’s guidance and blessings.

50 Intercessory Prayers for the Church

  1. Prayer for Church Unity

Heavenly Father, we pray for unity within our church. May we be united in purpose, love, and faith. Let every division be healed, and let our hearts be knit together as one body in Christ.

  1. Prayer for Church Leadership

Lord, we lift up our church leaders to You. Grant them wisdom, strength, and courage as they lead us. May they seek Your will in all things and shepherd us faithfully.

  1. Prayer for Spiritual Growth

Father, we pray for the spiritual growth of every member of our church. May we grow in faith, knowledge, and love for You. Let us be transformed by Your Word and Spirit.

  1. Prayer for Evangelism

God, we pray for boldness and passion in sharing the Gospel. Open doors for evangelism, and give us the words to speak Your truth with love and compassion.

  1. Prayer for Protection

Lord, we ask for Your protection over our church. Keep us safe from physical harm, spiritual attacks, and any schemes of the enemy. Surround us with Your angels and Your peace.

  1. Prayer for Healing

Father, we pray for healing for those in our church who are sick or suffering. May Your healing power be upon them, restoring their bodies, minds, and spirits.

  1. Prayer for Revival

Lord, we ask for a revival in our church. Ignite our hearts with a fresh passion for You. Let Your Spirit move powerfully among us, renewing our love and commitment to You.

  1. Prayer for Wisdom

God, we pray for wisdom for our church leaders and members. May we make decisions that honor You and advance Your Kingdom.

  1. Prayer for Financial Provision

Father, we ask for Your provision for our church’s financial needs. Bless the work of our hands, and provide the resources we need to carry out Your work.

  1. Prayer for Peace

Lord, we pray for peace within our church. Let every conflict be resolved with grace and understanding. May Your peace rule in our hearts and minds.

  1. Prayer for Missionaries

God, we lift up the missionaries supported by our church. Protect them, provide for them, and use them mightily to spread the Gospel.

  1. Prayer for Worship

Father, we pray for our worship services. May they be a time of true worship, where we encounter transformation in your presence. Let our worship be pleasing to You and a reflection of our love for You.

  1. Prayer for Families

Lord, we pray for the families in our church. Strengthen marriages, guide parents, and bless children. May our families be a testimony of Your love and grace.

  1. Prayer for New Believers

Father, we lift up new believers in our church. Guide them as they grow in their faith, and surround them with mature believers who can mentor and support them.

  1. Prayer for the Community

God, we pray for the community surrounding our church. Help us to be a light in our neighborhood, reaching out with love and service. May our church be a place of refuge and hope for those in need.

  1. Prayer for Church Ministries

Lord, we ask for Your blessing on every ministry in our church. From children’s ministry to outreach programs, may each one be fruitful and effective in serving others and glorifying Your name.

  1. Prayer for Forgiveness

Father, we pray for a spirit of forgiveness in our church. Help us to forgive one another as You have forgiven us. May we be quick to seek reconciliation and extend grace.

  1. Prayer for Spiritual Discernment

God, we ask for spiritual discernment in our church. Help us to recognize and follow Your guidance. Protect us from deception and lead us in truth.

  1. Prayer for Servant Hearts

Lord, we pray that You would cultivate servant hearts in our church members. May we be eager to serve one another and our community, following the example of Christ.

  1. Prayer for Holiness

Father, we pray for holiness in our church. Help us to live lives that are set apart for You, reflecting Your character in all that we do.

  1. Prayer for Church Growth

God, we ask for growth in our church, both numerically and spiritually. Bring new people to our congregation, and help us to disciple them effectively.

  1. Prayer for Faithfulness

Lord, we pray for faithfulness in our church. May we be steadfast in our commitment to You, holding fast to our faith even in challenging times.

  1. Prayer for Church Relationships

Father, we pray for healthy relationships within our church. May we love one another deeply, encouraging and supporting each other as brothers and sisters in Christ.

  1. Prayer for Joy

God, we ask for Your joy to fill our church. Let us rejoice in Your goodness and faithfulness, and may our joy be a testimony to others of Your love.

  1. Prayer for Hope

Lord, we pray for hope in our church. May we be a people who trust in Your promises, looking forward to the fulfillment of Your plans for us.

  1. Prayer for Faith

Father, we ask for an increase in faith in our church. Help us to trust You more deeply and to walk by faith, not by sight.

  1. Prayer for the Persecuted Church

God, we lift up the persecuted church around the world. Strengthen our brothers and sisters who face persecution for their faith. May they stand firm in their faith, and may their witness bring glory to Your name.

  1. Prayer for Spiritual Warfare

Lord, we pray for strength in spiritual warfare. Equip us with the armor of God, so we can stand firm against the schemes of the enemy.

  1. Prayer for the Next Generation

Father, we pray for the next generation in our church. Raise up young people who are passionate about following You and making a difference in the world.

  1. Prayer for Church Outreach

God, we ask for Your blessing on our church’s outreach efforts. Help us to reach the lost and hurting with the love of Christ. May our outreach be effective and fruitful.

  1. Prayer for Church Events

Lord, we pray for every event our church hosts. May these gatherings be a time of fellowship, growth, and encouragement, drawing people closer to You.

  1. Prayer for Discipleship

Father, we ask for Your guidance in our discipleship efforts. Help us to mentor and train others in the faith, equipping them to be strong, mature believers.

  1. Prayer for Humility

God, we pray for humility in our church. Help us to recognize our dependence on You and to serve others with a humble heart.

  1. Prayer for Generosity

Lord, we ask for a spirit of generosity in our church. May we give freely of our time, talents, and resources, knowing that everything we have comes from You.

  1. Prayer for Encouragement

Father, we pray for encouragement in our church. May we build one another up, speaking words of life and hope to those who are weary or discouraged.

  1. Prayer for Perseverance

God, we ask for perseverance for our church members. Help us to endure through trials and challenges, holding fast to our faith and trust in You.

  1. Prayer for Creativity

Lord, we pray for creativity in our church. Inspire us with new ideas and fresh ways to worship, serve, and reach out to others.

  1. Prayer for Reconciliation

Father, we pray for reconciliation in our church. Heal any broken relationships, and bring about forgiveness and restoration where it is needed.

  1. Prayer for the Holy Spirit’s Presence

God, we ask for a greater awareness of the Holy Spirit’s presence in our church. May we be sensitive to His leading and empowered by His work in and through us.

  1. Prayer for Gratitude

Lord, we pray for hearts of gratitude in our church. May we always give thanks for Your blessings, both big and small, and live with a spirit of thankfulness.

  1. Prayer for Patience

Father, we ask for patience in our church. Help us to be patient with one another and with the process of growth and change.

  1. Prayer for Integrity

God, we pray for integrity in our church. May we be people of honesty and integrity, reflecting Your character in all that we do.

  1. Prayer for Boldness

Lord, we ask for boldness in our church. Help us to stand firm in our faith, speak the truth with love, and be unafraid to live out our convictions.

  1. Prayer for Rest

Father, we pray for rest in our church. May we find rest in You, and may our church be a place of peace and refreshment for all who enter.

  1. Prayer for Clarity

God, we ask for clarity in our church. Help us to discern Your will and to make decisions that align with Your purposes.

  1. Prayer for Guidance

Lord, we pray for Your guidance in our church. Lead us in the path You have set before us, and help us to follow You with confidence.

  1. Prayer for Faithfulness to the Word

Father, we pray that our church would remain faithful to Your Word. May we study, teach, and live out the Scriptures with devotion and reverence.

  1. Prayer for Courage

God, we ask for courage in our church. Help us to stand firm in our convictions, even when it is difficult, and to boldly proclaim the Gospel.

  1. Prayer for Outreach to the Unreached

Lord, we pray for opportunities to reach those who have never heard the Gospel. Give us a burden for the unreached and the resources to go where You lead.

  1. Prayer for Love

Father, we pray that our church would be known for its love. May we love You with all our hearts and love our neighbors as ourselves, reflecting Your love in everything we do.


These 50 intercessory prayers for the church serve as a guide for seeking God’s will and blessings for your congregation. By lifting up these prayers regularly, you can help foster a deeper sense of unity, purpose, and spiritual growth within your church community.

Whether you are praying individually or as part of a group, these prayers can be a powerful tool for interceding on behalf of your church and the broader body of Christ.

Read also: 40 Prayer Points for Church Growth and Expansion

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