30 Powerful Prayers to Protect My Child from Evil

prayer to protect my child from evil

As a parent, the instinct to protect your child is overwhelming, especially in a world where evil lurks in both seen and unseen places. Through the power of prayer, you can call upon God’s protection over your child and ask Him to shield them from harm. Below are 30 powerful prayers designed specifically for protecting your child from evil.

Prayer to Protect My Child from Evil

  1. Prayer for God’s Shield of Protection

“Dear Lord, I lift up my child to You, asking for Your mighty protection. Cover them with Your shield, and let no harm or evil touch them. Guard their heart, mind, and body from all danger. In Your precious name, I pray. Amen.”

Bible Verse: “The Lord is faithful, and He will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one.” — 2 Thessalonians 3:3 (NIV)

  1. Prayer for Protection from Evil Spirits

“Heavenly Father, I ask You to protect my child from all evil spirits and wicked forces. Surround them with Your angels, and let no spiritual harm come near them. In the authority of Jesus, I command all evil to flee from my child’s presence. Amen.”

  1. Prayer for Protection from Evil Influence

“Lord, I pray that You shield my child from the evil influences that surround them. Keep them away from people and situations that could lead them astray. Let their mind and heart be pure, focused on what is good and righteous. Amen.”

Bible Verse: “Do not be misled: ‘Bad company corrupts good character.’” — 1 Corinthians 15:33 (NIV)

  1. Prayer to Block All Evil Attacks

“Father in Heaven, I ask You to block any evil plans or attacks aimed at my child. Let Your divine protection surround them like a fortress. Wherever they go, let Your presence be with them to ward off danger. Amen.”

  1. Prayer for Protection During Sleep

“Dear Lord, as my child sleeps, I pray that You watch over them and protect them from any evil or harmful forces. Let their dreams be filled with peace and rest, and let no fear or harm come near them. Amen.”

Bible Verse: “In peace I will lie down and sleep, for You alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety.” — Psalm 4:8 (NIV)

  1. Prayer for Protection from Temptation

“Lord, I pray that You protect my child from the temptation to do wrong. Keep their heart and mind fixed on You, so that no evil desire will lead them away from Your path. Strengthen them to resist all that is not of You. Amen.”

  1. Prayer for Protection from Harm

“Father, I ask that You protect my child from all forms of harm—whether physical, emotional, or spiritual. Let Your powerful hand cover them and shield them from danger. Lead them in paths of safety and peace. Amen.”

  1. Prayer to Remove Fear of Evil

“Lord, I pray that You remove any fear of evil from my child’s heart. Fill them with courage and peace, knowing that You are always by their side. Let them trust in Your protection. Amen.”

Bible Verse: “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” — 2 Timothy 1:7 (NKJV)

  1. Prayer for God’s Light to Guide

“Dear God, let Your light shine brightly over my child, dispelling any darkness that may surround them. Guide their steps, and let no evil find a way into their life. Protect them from anything that is not from You. Amen.”

  1. Prayer for Protection at School

“Father, I ask You to protect my child while they are at school. Keep them safe from any evil influences, harm, or danger. Let Your presence be with them throughout the day, guarding their heart and mind. Amen.”

  1. Prayer for Protection Against Evil Words

“Lord, I pray that You protect my child from evil words spoken against them. Whether it be hurtful words from others or lies from the enemy, let those words fall powerless and have no effect on my child’s spirit. Amen.”

Bible Verse: “No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue which rises against you in judgment you shall condemn.” — Isaiah 54:17 (NKJV)

  1. Prayer for Protection from Evil Dreams

“Dear Lord, I pray that You guard my child from any evil or disturbing dreams. Fill their sleep with peace, and let Your angels stand watch over them. Protect their mind from any nighttime fears or attacks. Amen.”

  1. Prayer for Protection from Evil Thoughts

“Father, I pray that You protect my child’s mind from evil thoughts. Let their mind be filled with thoughts of Your goodness, kindness, and love. Keep any negativity or evil influence far from them. Amen.”

  1. Prayer for Protection from Danger

“Lord, I ask You to protect my child from any form of danger, whether seen or unseen. Keep them safe from accidents, harm, and any situation that may cause injury or distress. Amen.”

  1. Prayer to Protect from Negative Influence

“Father, I pray that You surround my child with good influences and protect them from those who may lead them into evil. Guard their friendships and relationships, and let Your Spirit guide them in choosing godly companions. Amen.”

  1. Prayer for Protection Against Evil Plans

“Lord, I ask You to dismantle any evil plans or schemes that the enemy may have against my child. Let every attempt to harm them fail, and let Your protection be their defense at all times. Amen.”

Bible Verse: “The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge.” — Psalm 18:2 (NIV)

  1. Prayer for Protection from Evil Spirits

“Heavenly Father, I pray that You keep my child safe from any spiritual harm. Command Your angels to watch over them and let no evil spirit come near their life. Let Your Spirit dwell within them, guiding them always. Amen.”

  1. Prayer for Protection from False Teachings

“Lord, I ask You to protect my child from false teachings and misleading doctrines. Guard their heart and mind, ensuring that they remain firm in Your truth and not swayed by deceptive ideas. Amen.”

  1. Prayer for Protection from Evil Habits

“Dear God, I pray that You protect my child from developing any evil habits. Help them to avoid actions that do not align with Your Word. Guide them in making wise and godly decisions in their life. Amen.”

  1. Prayer to Overcome Evil Influences

“Father, I ask You to give my child the strength to overcome any evil influences around them. Let Your Spirit guide them to make choices that are in line with Your will. Protect them from anything that may lead them away from You. Amen.”

Bible Verse: “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” — Romans 12:21 (NIV)

  1. Prayer to Rebuke Evil

“Lord Jesus, I rebuke any evil attempting to harm my child. In Your mighty name, I declare that no weapon formed against them shall prosper, and every evil attack is cast away. Protect them with Your power. Amen.”

  1. Prayer for Inner Strength

“Father, I pray that You grant my child inner strength to stand firm in the face of evil. Let Your Spirit give them courage to resist anything that does not come from You. Protect their heart and mind. Amen.”

  1. Prayer for God’s Refuge

“Lord, You are our refuge and strength. I place my child in Your hands, trusting that You will protect them from all evil. Let Your shelter be their safe place, where no harm can come near. Amen.”

Bible Verse: “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” — Psalm 46:1 (NIV)

  1. Prayer for Protection from Peer Pressure

“Dear Lord, protect my child from the pressures of this world, especially from peers who may lead them into evil. Give them wisdom to make good choices and strength to stand firm in their values. Amen.”

  1. Prayer for Protection of the Heart

“Father, guard my child’s heart from evil influences and desires. Let their heart be filled with love for You and a desire to follow Your ways. Protect them from anything that may lead them astray. Amen.”

  1. Prayer for Protection from Addictions

“Lord, I pray that You protect my child from the grip of any addiction or harmful behavior. Shield them from anything that may try to enslave their mind or body, and set them free in Your power. Amen.”

  1. Prayer for God’s Light to Shine

“Lord, let Your light shine brightly in my child’s life, dispelling any darkness or evil that may surround them. Guide their steps and protect them from harm. Let Your light be their constant guide. Amen.”

  1. Prayer for Peace in the Midst of Evil

“Father, even when evil surrounds us, I pray that You grant my child peace. Let their heart not be troubled by the chaos around them, but trust fully in Your protection and care. Amen.”

  1. Prayer for Daily Protection

“Lord, I ask for Your protection over my child every day. As they go out and come in, be with them. Shield them from all harm and evil, and let Your presence be their constant guardian. Amen.”

Bible Verse: “The Lord will keep you from all harm—He will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.” — Psalm 121:7-8 (NIV)

  1. Prayer for Complete Protection from Evil

“Heavenly Father, I ask for Your complete protection over my child. Cover every aspect of their life with Your divine shield. Protect their body, mind, and spirit from any form of evil, whether physical or spiritual. Let Your love and power keep them safe from all harm. I entrust my child fully into Your hands, knowing that You are faithful. Amen.”


In the battle against the forces of evil, parents can find immense peace in the power of prayer. These prayers are not just words but acts of faith, declaring God’s protection over your child’s life. Let each “prayer to protect my child from evil” be a plea to our Heavenly Father, trusting Him to safeguard your child in every situation.

Remember: “The name of the Lord is a fortified tower; the righteous run to it and are safe.” — Proverbs 18:10 (NIV)


Read also: 30 Powerful Prayers To Pray For Your Child’s Protection With Bible Verses

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