40 Powerful Prayer Against Setback and Delay

prayer against setback and delay

Setbacks and delays can be frustrating, leaving us feeling stuck and unable to progress in our goals or spiritual walk. But through focused prayer, we can seek God’s intervention to remove these barriers and guide us forward. Below are 40 powerful prayers to combat the spirit of setback and delay. These prayers, when spoken with faith, can shift situations, open doors, and release breakthroughs in your life.

What Does the Bible Say About Setbacks?

Setbacks are not uncommon in the Bible. Many of God’s people experienced delays, yet those moments were often used to strengthen their faith and deepen their dependence on God. James 1:2-4 (KJV) encourages believers, saying, “My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.”

Despite temporary setbacks, God promises that He will make everything work for our good (Romans 8:28, KJV). Setbacks can sometimes be an opportunity to trust God even more deeply and allow Him to redirect our path for greater blessings.

40 Powerful Prayer Against Setback and Delay

Here are 40 powerful prayer against setback and delay:

  1. Heavenly Father, I come before You, asking for Your intervention in every area of my life where I am experiencing setbacks. Let Your divine power remove every obstacle hindering my progress, in Jesus’ name.
  2. Lord, I declare that every spirit of delay working against my life is broken by the power of the Holy Spirit. No more delays in my career, family, or spiritual growth.
  3. Father, I ask that You open doors that no man can shut and give me the grace to walk through them without delay, according to Your perfect will.
  4. Every chain of limitation and setback in my life, I command you to break in Jesus’ name. I declare freedom and advancement over my life.
  5. I plead the blood of Jesus over every area of my life experiencing delay. Let Your blood speak deliverance and speed over me.
  6. God, release divine favor upon me to overcome every setback and push me forward into my destiny.
  7. In the name of Jesus, I cancel every assignment of the enemy to frustrate my progress. I declare that my steps are ordered by the Lord.
  8. Father, remove any hidden forces or spiritual strongholds that are blocking my advancement. Let every delay in my life be transformed into divine acceleration.
  9. Lord, I speak to every mountain of delay and setback in my life; be removed and cast into the sea, in Jesus’ name.
  10. Father, empower me with wisdom and discernment to identify and overcome every spiritual setback designed by the enemy.
  11. I break every cycle of repeated failure and stagnation in my life. I declare new beginnings and success in every area, in the name of Jesus.
  12. Heavenly Father, surround me with Your protection. Let no weapon of delay or setback formed against me prosper.
  13. I call forth supernatural speed to accomplish what I have been delayed in achieving. I shall recover all that has been lost due to delay.
  14. Lord, I ask that You uproot every seed of delay planted by the enemy in my life. Let Your fire consume every plan of the devil.
  15. Father, I declare that every spirit of procrastination hindering my growth is destroyed by the power of the Holy Spirit.
  16. I refuse to be held back by fear or doubt. I declare boldness and confidence in moving forward, according to God’s purpose for my life.
  17. Lord, close every door that the enemy is using to cause delays in my life. Let only doors of progress and prosperity be open to me.
  18. I come against every generational curse of delay in my family. I break it in the name of Jesus, and I declare freedom for myself and my lineage.
  19. Father, release divine help and assistance into my life to overcome every challenge that has been causing setbacks.
  20. I bind every spirit of confusion and disorder that leads to delay. I declare clarity and divine order in my life, in the name of Jesus.
  21. Lord, accelerate my progress in every area where I have been delayed. Let Your mighty hand push me forward into my destiny.
  22. I declare that the years the locusts have eaten will be restored unto me, according to Joel 2:25. I shall not experience further setbacks.
  23. In Jesus’ name, I cancel every word or curse spoken against me that is causing delay in my life. I declare that only God’s promises shall stand.
  24. Father, give me the strength and perseverance to push through every setback. I shall not grow weary in doing good.
  25. I declare that I am breaking forth on every side. My path is clear, and I am advancing in Jesus’ name.
  26. Let every demonic power causing delay in my finances be destroyed. I declare financial breakthrough over my life, in the name of Jesus.
  27. Lord, I ask that You accelerate my growth in areas where I have experienced spiritual stagnation.
  28. I speak against every hindrance in my relationships that is causing delays. I declare healthy and godly connections in my life.
  29. Heavenly Father, I ask that You give me a breakthrough in my career. Let no setback stop me from achieving the purpose You have for me.
  30. I bind and cast out every spirit of delay and setback sent to frustrate my business or professional growth.
  31. Lord, I declare that Your plans for my life are being fulfilled, and no delay can stop the blessings You have in store for me.
  32. In Jesus’ name, I reject the spirit of lack and limitation. I declare abundance and prosperity in my life.
  33. Father, I ask for Your intervention in my education. Let every academic setback be turned into a stepping stone for success.
  34. I declare that no project or goal of mine will experience further delay. Everything I put my hands on will prosper.
  35. Lord, bless me with divine connections that will propel me out of delay and into divine timing.
  36. I speak against any manipulation in the spirit realm causing setbacks in my family. I declare deliverance in Jesus’ name.
  37. Father, I ask that You send Your angels to clear every path of delay before me. Let them fight on my behalf.
  38. I declare that the spirit of delay is defeated. I shall see my breakthroughs manifest speedily, in Jesus’ name.
  39. Lord, anoint me with the grace to complete every assignment and task without delay.
  40. I declare that my future is bright, and no setback can hinder the plans God has for me. I am moving forward in Jesus’ name.

How to Overcome Spiritual Setbacks?

Spiritual setbacks can happen, but overcoming them requires intentional prayer, faith, and reliance on God’s Word. To overcome spiritual setbacks:

  • Seek God’s guidance: Proverbs 3:5-6 (KJV) instructs us to trust in the Lord with all our heart and not to lean on our own understanding. Ask for wisdom and strength to move past the setback.
  • Recognize and repent of any hindering sin: Sometimes, setbacks are a result of sin. Confess your sins, and seek God’s forgiveness and grace to move forward.
  • Stay persistent in prayer: Prayer against setback and delay should be consistent and done with faith.

What is the Powerful Prayer of Delay?

A powerful prayer to break the spirit of delay asks for divine intervention, rebukes hindrances, and invites God’s timing to manifest. The following prayer is one you can use:

  • Heavenly Father, I come before You, acknowledging that delays in my life are not Your will for me. I ask that You remove every spiritual barrier, every hindrance, and every form of delay in my life. Let Your will be done speedily, and may I walk in the fullness of Your promises, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

How to Destroy the Spirit of Delay?

Destroying the spirit of delay involves engaging in warfare prayers, speaking life over your situation, and declaring God’s promises. Here are some steps to destroy delay:

  • Fast and pray: Fasting coupled with prayer strengthens your spirit and brings divine breakthroughs.
  • Speak God’s Word over your life: Declare scriptures that affirm God’s promises of swift deliverance, such as Isaiah 60:22 (KJV), which says, “The Lord will hasten it in its time.”
  • Break every generational curse: If delays are recurring in your family, pray against generational curses and declare freedom over your bloodline.


Delays and setbacks are often tools the enemy uses to discourage and hinder God’s people. However, through faith-filled prayers, such as the ones provided above, you can combat these spiritual obstacles and experience the breakthrough God has for you. Remember, the Word of God is your weapon, and consistent prayer is your shield against every form of delay. May the Prayer against setback and delay become part of your daily spiritual warfare, and may you walk in victory!


Read also: 50 Powerful Warfare Prayer Points Against Marine Spirits

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