War Room Prayer for Cheating Husband: 30 Powerful Pray Points

war room prayer for cheating husband

Infidelity is one of the most challenging experiences in marriage, testing your faith, emotions, and resolve. For those who turn to prayer during this difficult time, it becomes a source of strength, healing, and divine intervention. In this post, we’ll explore 30 powerful prayer points tailored for a cheating husband. These war room prayers will help you lay your burden before God, seek His guidance, and trust His will in restoring your marriage.

How to Stop a Cheating Husband Spiritually?

When faced with a husband’s betrayal, it’s easy to focus on anger and resentment. However, the battle you face isn’t just physical or emotional—it’s spiritual. To stop a cheating husband spiritually, you must rely on God’s power, not human efforts.

Here’s how you can do this:

  • Commit Him to God: The first step is to surrender your husband’s actions to God. Recognize that only God can bring about genuine heart transformation.
  • Pray for Conviction: Ask God to bring conviction upon his heart. Pray that his conscience would lead him back to the truth and love of God, helping him see the wrong in his actions.
  • Pray for Healing: As you seek restoration, ask God to heal the wounds caused by betrayal. Your spiritual healing is essential for true forgiveness and reconciliation.
  • Bind the Spirit of Temptation: Use the power of prayer to bind and rebuke any spirit of temptation, lust, or infidelity that may be attacking your marriage.
  • Pray for His Salvation: If your husband does not know Christ fully or has strayed from his faith, praying for his salvation is a powerful step in restoring your marriage spiritually.

By approaching your situation from a spiritual perspective, you are entrusting God with the battle, allowing Him to fight for you and your marriage.

How Do I Pray When My Husband Is Cheating?

When your heart is heavy with the pain of infidelity, finding the right words to pray can be challenging. You might wonder how to pray effectively in such a trying time. Here are steps to guide you in prayer:

  • Start with Gratitude: No matter the situation, begin by thanking God for His faithfulness. It helps shift your focus to His goodness and opens your heart for healing.
  • Pour Out Your Pain: Be honest with God. Lay your pain, confusion, and frustration at His feet. God is near to the brokenhearted (Psalm 34:18) and will comfort you.
  • Pray for Forgiveness: Pray for a heart that forgives. Infidelity can stir deep resentment, but God calls us to forgive, even when it seems impossible.
  • Pray for Wisdom: Ask God for wisdom and discernment on how to navigate your marriage during this season.
  • Declare Restoration: Speak life into your marriage. Pray that God restores love, trust, and unity.

War Room Prayer for Cheating Husband Bible Verse

Scripture provides strength, guidance, and hope when facing marital challenges like infidelity. Below are some Bible verses to incorporate into your war room prayer for a cheating husband:

1. Hosea 2:19-20 (NIV): “I will betroth you to me forever; I will betroth you in righteousness and justice, in love and compassion. I will betroth you in faithfulness, and you will acknowledge the Lord.”

2. Ephesians 4:32 (ESV): “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.”

3. Proverbs 3:5-6 (NKJV): “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.”

4. 1 Corinthians 7:10-11 (NIV): “To the married I give this command: A wife must not separate from her husband…But if she does, she must remain unmarried or else be reconciled to her husband.”

30 Powerful War Room Prayer Points for Cheating Husband

  1. Lord, I commit my husband’s heart into Your hands; draw him back to You in repentance.
  2. Heavenly Father, bring conviction upon my husband’s heart, showing him the gravity of his actions.
  3. Lord, I ask for Your forgiveness in our marriage and the grace to forgive my husband as You forgive me.
  4. In Jesus’ name, I bind and rebuke the spirit of infidelity and temptation attacking my marriage.
  5. Father, heal my heart from the pain of betrayal and help me to love unconditionally.
  6. Lord, strengthen our marriage and restore the trust that has been broken.
  7. Father, fill my husband’s heart with a deep longing for faithfulness and loyalty.
  8. In Jesus’ name, I pray for the removal of any person or influence that is pulling my husband away from our marriage.
  9. Lord, pour out Your peace over our home and remove any spirit of strife or division.
  10. Father, I ask that You renew the love and affection between my husband and me.
  11. Lord, reveal to my husband the true consequences of his actions and lead him to repentance.
  12. In Jesus’ name, I declare that my marriage is covered by the blood of Jesus and no weapon formed against it shall prosper.
  13. Father, I pray for a hedge of protection around my husband, keeping him from falling into sin.
  14. Lord, give me the strength to stand firm in prayer, trusting that You are working behind the scenes.
  15. Father, help me to focus on You, even when the situation seems hopeless.
  16. Lord, bring godly counsel into my husband’s life to guide him in truth.
  17. Father, I pray that my husband’s heart will soften toward You and toward our marriage.
  18. Lord, I ask for Your mercy upon our marriage and that You would restore what has been broken.
  19. Father, break every chain of adultery and bring my husband back to me.
  20. In Jesus’ name, I declare that my husband will be faithful, loyal, and loving.
  21. Lord, help me to see my husband through Your eyes and love him as You love.
  22. Father, grant me patience as I wait for Your perfect timing in restoring our marriage.
  23. Lord, expose any lies or deception that the enemy is using to blind my husband.
  24. Father, fill our home with Your presence, peace, and love.
  25. Lord, grant us the wisdom to rebuild trust and communication in our marriage.
  26. In Jesus’ name, I reject any spirit of anger, bitterness, or resentment that seeks to take root in my heart.
  27. Father, let my husband’s heart be turned back to me and our family.
  28. Lord, lead my husband to the path of righteousness, away from sin and destruction.
  29. Father, fill me with hope and faith that You will restore my marriage.
  30. In Jesus’ name, I declare that infidelity will have no place in my marriage and that love, honor, and respect will be restored.


Praying through a difficult time like this is not easy, but it is necessary. The war room prayer for a cheating husband allows you to fight for your marriage spiritually, placing your trust in God to intervene. Use these 30 powerful prayer points as a foundation to build your prayers, and remember to hold onto God’s promises. Though the road may be hard, through prayer and faith, healing and restoration are possible.

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