30 Powerful Back to Sender Prayer Points

back to sender prayer points

In spiritual warfare, the concept of sending back evil arrows or negative forces to their source is a common practice. The idea is rooted in various biblical principles, where prayers are used to reverse the plans of the enemy. If you’ve felt oppressed, tormented, or troubled by forces beyond your control, these back to sender prayer points can be a powerful way to regain spiritual freedom and peace. Below, we’ll outline 30 such prayer points, grounded in scripture, to help you overcome any spiritual attacks.

The Biblical Basis for Back to Sender Prayers

The foundation for back to sender prayers can be found throughout the Bible. For example, in Psalm 7:15-16 (NIV), it is written: “Whoever digs a hole and scoops it out falls into the pit they have made. The trouble they cause recoils on them; their violence comes down on their own heads.” This passage highlights the concept of divine retribution—where the evil intended for you returns to the sender.

Another example is found in Isaiah 54:17 (KJV): “No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn.” This verse assures believers that they have the authority to condemn any negative forces or weapons sent their way.

Why You Should Pray Back to Sender Prayers

1. Protection from Harm: Back to sender prayers offer divine protection against those who seek to harm you spiritually, emotionally, or physically.

2. Breaking Generational Curses: Many spiritual attacks are rooted in generational curses. These prayers can help break those chains.

3. Restoring Peace: When you send evil back to its source, you reclaim the peace that has been stolen from you.

4. Divine Justice: God is a God of justice, and these prayers call on Him to execute His righteous judgment on those who plot evil against you.

30 Back to Sender Prayer Points

1. Every arrow of sickness sent to me, go back to your sender, in Jesus’ name.

2. I command every evil hand pointing at me for destruction to wither, in Jesus’ name.

3. Let every curse spoken against me return to its sender, in the name of Jesus.

4. Any evil monitoring spirit assigned to my life, be destroyed and return to your sender, in Jesus’ name.

5. Every demonic power trying to manipulate my destiny, return to your sender by fire, in Jesus’ name.

6. O Lord, let every evil plan against me be turned back on the sender, in Jesus’ name.

7. Every spirit of failure at the edge of my breakthrough, return to your sender now, in the name of Jesus.

8. Any evil altar set up against me, catch fire and return to your sender, in Jesus’ name.

9. Let the weapons of my enemies turn against them, in the name of Jesus.

10. I declare that every evil pronouncement against my life be returned to its sender, in Jesus’ name.

11. Every plan to disgrace me shall return to its sender, in the mighty name of Jesus.

12. Let every satanic agent working against my destiny be exposed and their evil return to them, in Jesus’ name.

13. Any strange woman or man trying to break my marriage, your evil returns to you now, in Jesus’ name.

14. I send back every arrow of financial lack to its sender, in the name of Jesus.

15. Every evil power blocking my progress, be destroyed and return to your sender, in Jesus’ name.

16. O God, let every evil eye monitoring my success go blind, in Jesus’ name.

17. Let every spirit of delay and stagnation sent against me return to the sender, in Jesus’ name.

18. I command every evil tongue speaking against me to return to its sender, in Jesus’ name.

19. Every trap set for me, let the setter fall into it, in the name of Jesus.

20. Let the storm sent to destabilize my life return to its sender, in Jesus’ name.

21. O Lord, let every evil plot against me be nullified and return to the sender, in Jesus’ name.

22. Every negative energy sent my way, return to your sender, in Jesus’ name.

23. I reverse every curse of poverty placed on me and send it back to the sender, in Jesus’ name.

24. Let every power projecting evil dreams into my life receive their own evil back, in Jesus’ name.

25. O Lord, turn every evil counsel against me into foolishness and let it return to the sender, in Jesus’ name.

26. Let the spirit of confusion sent against me fall upon its sender, in Jesus’ name.

27. Every evil conspiracy against my life, scatter and return to the sender, in Jesus’ name.

28. Any spirit of death sent against me, return to your sender, in the mighty name of Jesus.

29. O Lord, let every attempt to sabotage my success return to the sender, in Jesus’ name.

30. Every evil seed planted in my life by the enemy, be uprooted and return to the sender, in Jesus’ name.

How to Effectively Pray Back to Sender Prayers

1. Pray with Faith: The effectiveness of your prayers depends largely on your faith. Jesus said in Mark 11:24 (NIV), “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.”

2. Pray with Authority: You have been given authority over the power of the enemy. Luke 10:19 (KJV) states, “Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.”

3. Pray Fervently: Back to sender prayer points are warfare prayers. As it is written in James 5:16 (NIV), “The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.”

4. Pray with the Word of God: The Bible is your sword in spiritual warfare. As you pray, incorporate scripture to reinforce your prayers.


These back to sender prayer points are designed to help you reclaim your spiritual authority and peace. When prayed with faith, they can shield you from harm, protect your destiny, and return any evil intention to its origin. Remember, as it is written in Romans 12:19 (NIV), “Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: ‘It is mine to avenge; I will repay,’ says the Lord.”


Read also: 20 Short Prayers Against Death in My Family

2 thoughts on “30 Powerful Back to Sender Prayer Points”

  1. I pray my prayers are answer correctly on my own faith against EVILNESS and Curse’s to protect the Kingdom in Heaven and EARTH, plus family, friends and those suffering mental health abuse or anytype of abuse Amen 🙏💖💌🙌❣️🗽😇🧠🫀🫁👄👁️👀🗣️👂👰🤵

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