30 Powerful Prayers To Take Before Getting Married

prayers to take before getting married

Are you preparing to tie the knot and start the beautiful journey of marriage? Before saying “I do,” it’s essential to seek spiritual guidance and support through prayer. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore 30 powerful prayers to take before getting married, each addressing different aspects of love, commitment, and partnership. Whether you are already engaged or simply contemplating marriage, incorporating these prayers into your preparation can bring clarity, strength, and blessings to your union.

30 Powerful Prayers To Take Before Getting Married


1. Prayer for Guidance:

As we begin this journey toward marriage, we seek Your guidance, O Lord. Lead us in the path of righteousness and wisdom, that we may build a strong foundation for our future together. Help us discern Your will and make decisions that honor You.

2. Prayer for Unity:

Lord, bind us together in love and unity as we prepare for marriage. May our hearts be knit as one, and may we always seek to uplift and support each other. Grant us the grace to navigate challenges with humility and understanding.

3. Prayer for Commitment:

Heavenly Father, instill in us a steadfast commitment to each other. May we remain faithful and devoted, honoring the vows we will soon make before You and our loved ones. Strengthen our resolve to love and cherish one another, for better or for worse.

4. Prayer for Communication:

God of grace, grant us the gift of open and honest communication. Help us to listen with compassion and speak with kindness, fostering a relationship built on trust and understanding. May our words always be seasoned with grace.

5. Prayer for Forgiveness:

Lord, teach us the power of forgiveness in our relationship. Help us to let go of past hurts and resentments, extending grace and mercy to one another. May our love be a reflection of Your endless forgiveness toward us.

6. Prayer for Patience:

Grant us patience, O Lord, as we navigate the challenges of life together. Help us to be slow to anger and quick to forgive, recognizing that love is patient and kind. May we always approach each other with gentleness and grace.

7. Prayer for Humility:

Heavenly Father, humble our hearts before You and each other. Help us to set aside pride and selfishness, seeking to serve rather than to be served. May our marriage be marked by humility and selflessness.

8. Prayer for Trust:

Lord, build within us a deep and abiding trust in one another. Help us to rely on Your faithfulness as we place our trust in each other. Protect our hearts from doubt and insecurity, and strengthen the bonds of trust between us.

9. Prayer for Intimacy:

God of love, bless our intimacy as we prepare for marriage. Help us to cultivate a deep and meaningful connection, both emotionally and physically. May our intimacy be a reflection of the love You have for Your people.

10. Prayer for Wisdom:

Grant us wisdom, O Lord, as we make important decisions about our future together. Help us to seek Your guidance in all things, trusting in Your perfect plan for our lives. Give us discernment as we navigate the complexities of marriage.

11. Prayer for Gratitude:

Heavenly Father, fill our hearts with gratitude for each other. Help us to recognize the many blessings You have bestowed upon us, both individually and as a couple. May we never take each other for granted, but always give thanks for the gift of love.

12. Prayer for Strength:

Lord, be our strength in times of weakness and adversity. Help us to lean on You for support, knowing that Your grace is sufficient for us. Grant us courage and resilience as we face the challenges of marriage together.

13. Prayer for Family:

Bless our families, O God, as we join together in marriage. Help us to honor and cherish our parents, siblings, and extended family members. May our marriage be a source of unity and blessing for all who are connected to us.

14. Prayer for Financial Wisdom:

Grant us wisdom in managing our finances, O Lord. Help us to be good stewards of the resources You have entrusted to us, and to make wise decisions for our future. Provide for our needs according to Your riches in glory.

15. Prayer for Purity:

Lord, guard our hearts and minds in purity as we prepare for marriage. Help us to flee from temptation and to honor You with our bodies. Keep us focused on what is true, noble, pure, and lovely in Your sight.

16. Prayer for Protection:

Heavenly Father, surround our relationship with Your protection and grace. Shield us from the schemes of the enemy and from any harm or danger. Cover us with Your wings of love and keep us safe in Your care.

17. Prayer for Health:

Bless us with good health, O Lord, as we embark on this journey together. Strengthen our bodies and minds, that we may serve You and each other with vigor and vitality. Grant us the grace to prioritize our well-being as we build our life together.

18. Prayer for Selflessness:

Help us to be selfless in our love for one another, O God. Teach us to prioritize the needs of our partner above our own, and to serve one another with joy and humility. May our marriage be a reflection of Your sacrificial love for us.

19. Prayer for Joy:

Fill our hearts with joy and laughter, O Lord, as we anticipate the joys of marriage. Help us to find delight in each other’s company, and to celebrate the gift of love every day. May our home be a sanctuary of joy and peace.

20. Prayer for Fidelity:

Lord, strengthen our commitment to fidelity and faithfulness in marriage. Help us to honor our vows and to remain steadfast in our love for each other. Protect our hearts from temptation and keep us true to each other always.

21. Prayer for Flexibility:

Grant us flexibility and adaptability, O God, as we navigate the changes and challenges of life together. Help us to be open to new experiences and to embrace the journey with courage and grace. May we grow stronger together through every season of life.

22. Prayer for Unity of Purpose:

Unite our hearts in purpose and vision, O Lord, as we build our life together. Help us to align our goals and aspirations, and to work together toward common dreams. May we always support and encourage each other in the pursuit of Your will.

23. Prayer for Servant Hearts:

Teach us to have servant hearts, O God, as we prepare for marriage. Help us to put the needs of others before our own, and to serve You by serving each other. May our marriage be a testament to Your love and grace.

24. Prayer for Compassion:

Fill us with compassion and empathy, O Lord, for each other and for those around us. Help us to see the world through Your eyes and to respond to others with love and kindness. May our marriage be a beacon of Your compassion in a hurting world.

25. Prayer for Spiritual Growth:

Nurture our spiritual growth, O God, as we journey toward marriage. Help us to deepen our relationship with You and to grow in faith together. May Your presence be the foundation of our love and the source of our strength.

26. Prayer for Blessing:

Lord, bless our union with Your favor and grace. Shower us with Your abundant blessings as we commit our lives to each other in marriage. May our love be a reflection of Your love for us, now and always.

27. A Prayer for Companionship and Joy:

Gracious God, we thank You for the gift of companionship that marriage provides. Fill our hearts with deep affection, friendship, and delight in one another. Help us to cherish each moment we spend together, to laugh freely, and to find joy in the simple pleasures of life. May our marriage be a sanctuary of warmth, laughter, and unwavering support. Amen.

28. A Prayer for Enduring Love

Eternal God, we ask that You would pour out Your love upon our relationship, that it may grow stronger and deeper with each passing day. Protect us from the temptation to take our love for granted. Teach us to nurture our affection through acts of kindness, forgiveness, and selflessness. May our love for one another be a reflection of Your immeasurable love for us. Amen.

29. A Prayer for Legacy and Generational Blessings:

Lord, we pray that our marriage would leave a lasting legacy that honors You. Bless our union with the gift of children, grandchildren, and future generations who will carry on the faith and values we instill. May our marriage be a testament to Your faithfulness, that those who come after us will be inspired to follow You wholeheartedly. Use our lives to build Your kingdom for ages to come. Amen.

30. A Prayer of Commitment:

Almighty God, as we stand on the threshold of marriage, we renew our commitment to one another and to You. We pledge to love, honor, and cherish each other for the rest of our lives. Help us to keep our vows, even in the face of adversity. May our marriage be a living, breathing example of the covenant relationship between Christ and the church. We offer our lives to You, trusting in Your perfect plan. Amen.


As you prepare for the sacred covenant of marriage, may these 30 prayers serve as guiding lights along your journey. Through the power of prayer, may you find clarity, strength, and divine guidance as you start this new chapter of your life. Remember, a strong foundation of faith and spiritual connection can enrich your relationship and sustain you through the joys and challenges of marriage. May your union be blessed with love, unity, and a deep commitment to each other and to God. Here’s to a lifetime of love, growth, and shared blessings. Amen.

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