40 Deliverance Prayer Against the Spirit of Rejection

prayer against the spirit of rejection

Rejection is a painful experience that can deeply wound the heart. Whether it stems from childhood trauma, relationships, or life’s disappointments, the spirit of rejection can affect a person’s sense of self-worth, confidence, and ability to form meaningful connections. However, God offers deliverance from this spirit. Through prayer, faith, and God’s word, you can be freed from the chains of rejection and embrace His unconditional love. This post will guide you through powerful prayers and insights to overcome the spirit of rejection.

Signs of the Spirit of Rejection

Before going into specific prayers, it’s important to recognize the signs that indicate the presence of a spirit of rejection. Knowing these signs can help you identify where rejection has taken root in your life, so you can bring it before God in prayer.

  1. Fear of Abandonment: A constant fear that those you love will leave you.
  2. Self-Criticism: Constantly feeling inadequate and criticizing yourself for perceived failures.
  3. People-Pleasing: Going to great lengths to gain approval from others, often at the cost of your own well-being.
  4. Isolation: Choosing to isolate yourself because you feel you don’t belong or aren’t wanted.
  5. Difficulty Trusting Others: Struggling to build meaningful relationships due to fear of being hurt or let down.
  6. Bitterness: Harboring deep bitterness and anger toward those who have hurt or rejected you.
  7. Perfectionism: Believing that you must be perfect to be loved or accepted.

These signs can manifest subtly or severely, but they all point toward a root issue of rejection that must be addressed through prayer against the spirit of rejection.

How to Overcome the Root of Rejection

The spirit of rejection doesn’t just develop overnight; it often has deep roots, starting from negative experiences, words spoken over you, or traumatic events. Overcoming the root of rejection requires addressing both the spiritual and emotional aspects. Here are key steps to help you overcome:

  1. Acknowledge the Wound: The first step in healing from rejection is acknowledging that it has affected you. This is not about self-pity, but about recognizing where the enemy has gained a foothold.
  2. Forgiveness: Release those who have hurt or rejected you through forgiveness. Holding onto grudges only strengthens the spirit of rejection.
  3. Renew Your Mind: Meditate on scriptures that affirm God’s love for you. Scriptures like Romans 8:38-39 remind us that nothing can separate us from God’s love.
  4. Seek God’s Approval First: Make a conscious decision to seek God’s approval over that of man. This shift in perspective will help you overcome the need for validation from others.
  5. Community and Support: Surround yourself with godly people who uplift you and remind you of your worth in Christ.
  6. Break Negative Patterns: Identify and break negative thought patterns and behaviors that stem from rejection. This may require time and patience, but with God’s help, it’s possible.

Prayer Against the Spirit of Rejection

  1. Lord, I thank You for Your unconditional love and acceptance of me. I know that in You, I am loved.
  2. Father, I break every chain of rejection in my life, both past and present, in Jesus’ name.
  3. Lord, heal my heart from the wounds of rejection and restore me to wholeness.
  4. I declare that no word or action of rejection will have power over my identity in Christ.
  5. Holy Spirit, fill the void in my heart with Your love and peace.
  6. I renounce every spirit of rejection that has attached itself to me through words, actions, or circumstances.
  7. Father, I release those who have hurt or rejected me into Your hands, and I forgive them completely.
  8. Lord, teach me to seek Your approval above all else. I am complete in You.
  9. By the blood of Jesus, I cancel every curse of rejection spoken over my life.
  10. I declare that I am accepted in the Beloved, as Your Word says in Ephesians 1:6.
  11. Lord, I pray for healing from the effects of childhood rejection. Heal every wound.
  12. I break the cycle of self-rejection and negative self-talk in Jesus’ name.
  13. Holy Spirit, help me see myself as You see me: fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14).
  14. I stand against the spirit of abandonment and declare that I am never alone, for God is with me.
  15. Father, strengthen me to walk in confidence, knowing that I am loved by You.
  16. Lord, remove the root of bitterness from my heart that has grown from past rejection.
  17. I rebuke the lies of the enemy that tell me I am unworthy of love. I stand on the truth of God’s Word.
  18. Lord, give me the grace to forgive myself for mistakes that have led to feelings of rejection.
  19. I command the spirit of rejection to leave my life right now, in Jesus’ name.
  20. Father, I ask for discernment to recognize and reject any influence of the enemy in my thoughts or relationships.
  21. Lord, replace the fear of rejection with Your perfect love that casts out fear (1 John 4:18).
  22. I declare that I am chosen, loved, and valued by God. No rejection can take that away from me.
  23. Father, help me to break free from people-pleasing tendencies that stem from rejection.
  24. I release my heart from every burden of rejection and place my trust in Your love.
  25. Lord, show me how to walk in the fullness of my identity in You.
  26. I pray against the generational curse of rejection in my family line. Let it be broken today.
  27. I declare that I am worthy of love, respect, and honor because of who I am in Christ.
  28. Holy Spirit, empower me to reject lies and embrace the truth of God’s love for me.
  29. Lord, renew my mind and transform my thinking to align with Your Word.
  30. I rebuke the spirit of rejection and all its lies, declaring that I am free in Christ.
  31. Father, fill every empty place in my heart with Your presence and love.
  32. Lord, help me to forgive those who have rejected me and to release all bitterness.
  33. I declare that no weapon formed against me, including the spirit of rejection, shall prosper (Isaiah 54:17).
  34. I choose to believe the truth that I am accepted by God, even if others reject me.
  35. Lord, help me to see the purpose You have for me, beyond the rejection I’ve experienced.
  36. Father, heal the deep wounds caused by rejection from loved ones.
  37. I declare that I will no longer live in fear of rejection but in the freedom of God’s love.
  38. Lord, break the chains of isolation that rejection has caused in my life.
  39. I speak freedom over my mind, emotions, and heart from the effects of rejection.
  40. Father, I trust that You are restoring my heart and leading me into healing and freedom.

How to Rebuke the Spirit of Rejection

To effectively rebuke the spirit of rejection, you must first understand your authority in Christ. As a believer, God has given you the power to resist the enemy, including the spirit of rejection, through His Word and the name of Jesus. Here’s how you can rebuke the spirit of rejection:

  1. Use Scripture: Speak Bible verses that affirm God’s love and your identity in Christ. For example, declare Ephesians 1:6 and remind yourself that you are accepted in the Beloved.
  2. Pray with Authority: Pray with boldness and command the spirit of rejection to leave in Jesus’ name. Remember that you are not powerless; you have authority over demonic influences.
  3. Resist Negative Thoughts: When feelings of rejection arise, rebuke them and declare God’s truth. Refuse to entertain any thoughts that contradict God’s Word.
  4. Speak Life: Speak words of life over yourself. Daily affirmations of God’s love and purpose for you will help push back the lies of rejection.


The spirit of rejection may have a stronghold in your life, but it is not stronger than the power of God. Through these prayers and biblical truths, you can experience freedom and healing. Remember, God’s love for you is unchanging, and nothing can separate you from His love. Keep praying these deliverance prayers, and trust in God’s perfect plan for your life.

By following these steps, you can break free from the spirit of rejection and walk in the fullness of God’s love and acceptance.


Read also: 20 Amazing Wednesday Morning Prayer Messages

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