40 Powerful Prayers for Protection for Someone You Love

Prayer for protection for someone you love

In life, we all seek protection for our loved ones. Whether they are facing physical dangers, emotional challenges, or spiritual battles, lifting them up in prayer is one of the most powerful ways to cover them. Below are 40 prayers you can use for someone you deeply care for. Each prayer is guided by scripture, and you’ll find answers to important questions about how to pray for protection for your loved ones.

How Do You Pray for Protection Over Someone?

1. Heavenly Father, I come before You with a heart full of love and concern for [Loved One’s Name]. Please cover them with Your wings of protection. Guard their heart, mind, body, and soul from all harm. Surround them with Your angels, and let no evil come near them. In Jesus’ name, Amen. (Psalm 91:4, NIV)

2. Lord, You are a refuge and fortress. I pray that You will be [Loved One’s Name]’s shield and protect them from the evil one. Lead them on the path of righteousness and keep them safe from harm. Amen. (Psalm 91:2, ESV)

3. Dear God, I ask that You place a hedge of protection around [Loved One’s Name]. Shelter them from the attacks of the enemy and provide them with strength and wisdom to overcome any challenges they face. In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen. (Job 1:10, KJV)

4. Lord, I pray for the safety of [Loved One’s Name]. Protect their coming and going, now and forever. Watch over them and keep them in Your care always. Amen. (Psalm 121:8, NLT)

5. Heavenly Father, be the stronghold of [Loved One’s Name]. I ask for divine protection from any physical, emotional, or spiritual harm. May Your hand be upon them every moment of their life. Amen. (Nahum 1:7, NKJV)

What is a Powerful Protection Prayer for Loved Ones?

6. Lord, You are our ultimate protector. I ask that You encircle [Loved One’s Name] with Your loving arms. Keep them safe from danger, disease, and despair. Let Your grace be upon them as they walk through life. Amen. (Isaiah 41:10, ESV)

7. Dear God, I pray that You protect [Loved One’s Name] from every evil and guide them in all their ways. Be their shelter in times of storm and their strength in moments of weakness. Amen. (Psalm 32:7, NIV)

8. Father, I plead the blood of Jesus over [Loved One’s Name] and ask for Your supernatural protection. Cover them from the crown of their head to the soles of their feet and let no weapon formed against them prosper. Amen. (Isaiah 54:17, KJV)

9. Gracious God, as [Loved One’s Name] faces the challenges of life, be their protector. Guard them from seen and unseen dangers, and let Your peace reign over them. Amen. (Psalm 46:1, NKJV)

10. Heavenly Father, I ask that You send Your angels to watch over [Loved One’s Name]. Keep them safe and give them the courage and faith to trust in You no matter what comes their way. Amen. (Psalm 91:11, ESV)

How Do I Pray for Someone I Love?

11. Father God, I thank You for the love I have for [Loved One’s Name]. I lift them up to You, asking that You protect their heart, mind, and body. Let them feel Your presence in every situation and guide them through every trial. Amen. (1 Peter 5:7, NLT)

12. Lord, I place [Loved One’s Name] in Your hands. Lead them through the valley of difficulties and shield them from harm. May Your peace fill their heart, and may they know Your love every day. Amen. (Psalm 23:4, ESV)

13. God of love, I ask that You protect [Loved One’s Name] from all harm. Let Your angels surround them, and may Your Spirit guide their steps in everything they do. In Jesus’ name, Amen. (Psalm 91:11-12, NIV)

14. Lord, I pray for [Loved One’s Name]. May they be safe from all danger, wrapped in Your protective embrace. Give them wisdom and discernment to navigate through any challenges they may face. Amen. (James 1:5, KJV)

15. Dear Father, as I think of [Loved One’s Name], I pray for their safety and protection. May You walk beside them and shield them from every danger that lurks around. Amen. (Psalm 16:8, NKJV)

What is a Short Powerful Prayer for Protection?

16. Heavenly Father, protect [Loved One’s Name] with Your mighty power. Keep them safe and secure in Your love. Amen. (Psalm 121:7, NIV)

17. Lord, place Your hand upon [Loved One’s Name] and shield them from harm. Be their protector and defender. Amen. (2 Thessalonians 3:3, ESV)

18. God, I ask that You watch over [Loved One’s Name] and keep them safe from any danger. Surround them with Your peace. Amen. (Philippians 4:7, KJV)

19. Father, guide and protect [Loved One’s Name] wherever they go. Amen. (Proverbs 3:6, NKJV)

20. Dear Lord, protect [Loved One’s Name] from harm and be their refuge in times of trouble. Amen.

(Psalm 91:1, NIV)

Prayers for Protection for Someone You Love

21. Lord, I pray that You cover [Loved One’s Name] with the armor of God. Protect them from the fiery darts of the enemy and lead them into Your righteousness. Amen. (Ephesians 6:11, KJV)

22. Heavenly Father, grant [Loved One’s Name] peace and protection as they walk through their day. Shield them from harm and let Your light shine upon them. Amen. (Numbers 6:24-26, NKJV)

23. Lord, I ask for divine protection over [Loved One’s Name]. Keep them safe from accidents, harm, and danger. May they always be under Your watchful eye. Amen. (Psalm 121:3-4, ESV)

24. God, I lift [Loved One’s Name] up to You. May Your presence be with them at all times, guiding and protecting them in every situation they face. Amen. (Psalm 34:7, NIV)

25. Father, please keep [Loved One’s Name] safe from every harm. Let Your angels encamp around them and shield them from evil. Amen. (Psalm 91:10, KJV)

26. Lord, I pray that You shield [Loved One’s Name] from the traps and schemes of the enemy. Let Your divine protection be their refuge. Guard their mind from fear and anxiety. In Jesus’ name, Amen. (Psalm 91:3, NKJV)

27. Dear God, cover [Loved One’s Name] with Your unfailing love. Protect them from all harm, both seen and unseen. Let Your presence be a constant reminder that they are never alone. Amen. (Psalm 139:5, NLT)

28. Heavenly Father, I ask You to protect [Loved One’s Name] from any spiritual warfare. Place Your armor of light upon them, and may no evil prevail against them. Amen. (Romans 13:12, NIV)

29. Father, I entrust [Loved One’s Name] to Your care. Protect their health and well-being, and let Your Holy Spirit lead them in all truth and righteousness. Amen. (3 John 1:2, ESV)

30. Lord, I ask that You build a wall of protection around [Loved One’s Name]. Let no harm come to them, and may they always walk in Your light. In Jesus’ name, Amen. (Zechariah 2:5, KJV)

31. Heavenly Father, I pray that You cover [Loved One’s Name] under Your wings and protect them from all danger. May they feel the comfort of Your presence wherever they go. Amen. (Psalm 91:4, NIV)

32. Lord, I lift up [Loved One’s Name] to You. Protect them from temptation and keep them strong in their faith. Let no weapon formed against them prosper. Amen. (Isaiah 54:17, NKJV)

33. Father, I ask that You surround [Loved One’s Name] with Your angels to guard and protect them in all their ways. Let Your peace reign in their heart. Amen. (Psalm 91:11, ESV)

34. Dear God, protect [Loved One’s Name] from negative influences and harmful relationships. Guide them in making wise decisions that honor You. Amen. (Proverbs 2:11, NIV)

35. Heavenly Father, place a shield around [Loved One’s Name] as they sleep. Keep them safe throughout the night, and may they wake up refreshed and ready for a new day under Your protection. Amen. (Psalm 4:8, ESV)

36. Lord, I ask for Your divine protection over [Loved One’s Name]. Be their rock and fortress. Keep them safe from harm, and let them dwell in the safety of Your arms. Amen. (Psalm 18:2, NKJV)

37. Father, I ask that You protect [Loved One’s Name] from discouragement. Let Your hope fill their heart and keep them steadfast in their faith, no matter what challenges come their way. Amen.

(Isaiah 40:31, KJV)

38. Lord, may Your hand of protection be over [Loved One’s Name] in every aspect of their life. Guard their spirit, soul, and body from harm, and let Your peace be with them always. Amen.

(1 Thessalonians 5:23, NIV)

39. Dear God, surround [Loved One’s Name] with Your love and protection as they go through the struggles of life. Give them strength to endure and peace in knowing You are always with them. Amen.

(Isaiah 41:10, ESV)

40. Heavenly Father, I place [Loved One’s Name] in Your hands. Shield them from harm and guide them in every decision they make. May Your grace and protection be their constant companions. Amen. (Psalm 5:12, NKJV)


These 40 prayers for protection for someone you love are a powerful way to lift your loved ones into God’s hands. As you pray, trust that God is faithful to guard and protect them. Scripture reminds us that His protection is strong, and by lifting our prayers, we align our hearts with His promises.


Read also: 50 Powerful Bedtime Prayers for Protection

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