Prayer For A Friend In Need: 60 Prayer Points

prayer for a friend in need

Friendship is one of life’s greatest blessings, offering comfort, love, and support during times of joy and hardship. When a friend is going through tough times, offering prayers can be one of the most powerful ways to uplift them. Whether they are struggling with their health, battling emotional stress, or facing life’s many challenges, offering a prayer for a friend in need can make a world of difference. In this blog post, we’ll explore various prayers for friends in need, including how to pray for a struggling friend and provide short prayers that can bring comfort and strength.

Why Pray For A Friend In Need?

When our friends are facing difficult times, it is natural to want to help them in any way possible. While we can provide physical and emotional support, prayer opens the door for divine intervention. Prayer invites God to take control of the situation and bless our friends with peace, healing, and wisdom. Offering a prayer for a friend in need demonstrates our care for them and deepens the spiritual connection between friends and God.

How to Use These 60 Prayer Points

These 60 prayer points cover a wide range of challenges your friend may face—health issues, emotional struggles, financial difficulties, or simply needing peace and direction. You can offer these prayers in private, share them with your friend, or speak them over your friend’s life during a conversation. Remember that prayer is about connection with God, so feel free to personalize these prayers as you are led.

Prayer For A Friend In Need

  1. Heavenly Father, please grant my friend the strength to face this difficult time with courage and faith.
  2. Lord, surround my friend with peace that surpasses all understanding, calming every worry and fear.
  3. Father, may Your healing hands touch my friend’s body and restore them to full health.
  4. Jesus, provide comfort and hope to my friend who feels overwhelmed by life’s burdens.
  5. Lord, please provide clarity and direction as my friend navigates through this season of uncertainty.
  6. God, please bless my friend with the financial breakthrough they desperately need.
  7. Lord, I ask for emotional healing for my friend who is suffering from anxiety and depression.
  8. Father, may Your protection surround my friend and keep them safe from any harm.
  9. God, renew my friend’s strength, giving them the endurance to continue their journey with hope.
  10. Jesus, please be my friend’s rock and refuge, especially when they feel weak and helpless.
  11. Heavenly Father, help my friend to see Your purpose in the midst of their trials.
  12. Lord, please open doors of opportunity for my friend and guide them to success.
  13. Father, may Your love comfort my friend in their times of loneliness and despair.
  14. Lord, I ask that You heal any broken relationships in my friend’s life and restore peace.
  15. Jesus, help my friend to find rest in You, even as they face challenges.
  16. Father, bless my friend with wisdom to make sound decisions in difficult situations.
  17. Lord, please remind my friend that they are never alone and that Your presence is always with them.
  18. God, give my friend the faith to trust You, even when the path ahead is unclear.
  19. Father, ease my friend’s pain, both physically and emotionally, and bring them peace.
  20. Lord, please grant my friend the patience to endure their trials with a hopeful heart.
  21. Jesus, may my friend feel Your love and care in every moment of their struggle.
  22. Heavenly Father, help my friend to remain steadfast in their faith, even during tough times.
  23. Lord, I ask for financial blessings for my friend who is struggling to make ends meet.
  24. Father, grant my friend the grace to forgive those who have hurt them.
  25. Lord, help my friend to cast their burdens on You, knowing that You care for them.
  26. Jesus, I pray that my friend will feel encouraged and supported during this difficult time.
  27. God, fill my friend’s heart with hope and a renewed sense of purpose.
  28. Father, may my friend find joy in You, despite the difficulties they are facing.
  29. Lord, bless my friend with peaceful sleep and rest for their weary body and mind.
  30. Heavenly Father, restore my friend’s faith in Your goodness and Your plans for their life.
  31. Jesus, please bless my friend’s family and provide them with peace and unity during this season.
  32. Lord, I pray for a breakthrough in my friend’s situation, according to Your will.
  33. Father, surround my friend with positive people who will support and encourage them.
  34. God, please strengthen my friend’s mind, helping them to focus on Your promises and not their problems.
  35. Lord, I ask for divine protection over my friend’s home and family.
  36. Father, may my friend find strength in You to overcome their fears and doubts.
  37. God, please lift my friend’s spirits and replace their sadness with joy.
  38. Jesus, I pray that my friend will experience a divine encounter with You during this time.
  39. Lord, help my friend to trust in Your timing and Your plans for their life.
  40. Heavenly Father, give my friend the confidence to face each day with hope and faith.
  41. Lord, I pray for my friend’s emotional well-being, that they would find peace in You.
  42. Father, may my friend find contentment in their situation, trusting that You are in control.
  43. God, please protect my friend from negative influences and harmful situations.
  44. Jesus, bless my friend with the strength to overcome every obstacle in their life.
  45. Lord, I ask for favor and blessings over my friend’s career and future endeavors.
  46. Heavenly Father, help my friend to let go of any bitterness or anger and find healing in forgiveness.
  47. God, please guide my friend’s steps and help them to walk in Your light.
  48. Father, grant my friend the courage to face their fears and anxieties with boldness.
  49. Jesus, may Your grace be sufficient for my friend, even in their weaknesses.
  50. Lord, I pray for my friend’s spiritual growth, that they would draw closer to You.
  51. God, bless my friend with the peace of mind that only You can provide.
  52. Heavenly Father, I pray that my friend will find comfort in knowing You are always with them.
  53. Lord, please send Your angels to watch over my friend and protect them from harm.
  54. Father, help my friend to experience Your love in a deeper and more meaningful way.
  55. God, please remove any doubts from my friend’s heart and fill them with unwavering faith.
  56. Jesus, I ask for healing for my friend, both physically and emotionally.
  57. Lord, I pray that my friend’s heart will be filled with gratitude, even in challenging times.
  58. Heavenly Father, grant my friend the peace to trust You fully, even when the path is unclear.
  59. God, please help my friend to find peace and contentment in Your presence.
  60. Lord, may my friend find hope, healing, and restoration in Your loving arms.

What is a Good Short Prayer for Friends?

A simple yet powerful prayer can go a long way in comforting a friend. A good short prayer for friends might look like this:

  • Dear Lord, please watch over my friend, bless them with peace and strength, and help them feel Your presence during their time of need. Amen.

How Do You Pray for a Friend Who is Struggling?

When your friend is struggling, praying with compassion and faith is key. You can pray for their specific needs, asking God to intervene in their situation. For example:

  • Lord, my friend is facing a difficult time, and I ask for Your help. Please give them strength, courage, and hope as they navigate this season. Remind them that You are with them, and grant them peace in their heart. Amen.


In challenging times, offering a prayer for a friend in need can make a significant impact. Whether through short, powerful prayers or more detailed petitions, you are inviting divine intervention in their life. Continue to trust in God’s power, and let these prayers be a source of comfort and strength for your friend.

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